Monday, September 30, 2019

Impressions †art Essay

The ballet paintings of Degas featured women in a variety of intimate moments, so to speak. It is at this point that after trying out a variety of techniques, mediums and themes that his work takes on a completely Impressionist image. Paintings done during his early years turn out to have little resemblance in terms of style and composition to the artwork he did later on. Nevertheless, certain features of Degas’ painting methods remained the same regardless of the many modifications and adaptations to this styles and mediums. For one, he always painted indoors. This remains in effect a testament to his derision at the en plein air technique of the Impressionists; he would always prefer to work in his studio instead, relying on memory or live models for his paintings. This was what he did during some of his paintings on dancers, where he would get a female ballet dancer to act as a live model in his studio. His subject too, remained the primary focus, and the landscapes and background were simply reproduced from memory or created from his imagination. In general, one can say that aspects of Degas’ work carry an element of sensuality, perhaps even hyper-sensuality, in them especially during the paintings of the nudes. It is crucial to know that understanding this is important to be able to successfully analyze, comprehend and appreciate his other works. A blatant example of one of Degas’ works that has clear elements of sensuality is Four Dancers. In this painting, Degas arouses a variety of sensual responses based on the primary visual image, to the eroticism exhibited by the female models. Degas did not only reveal his artistic and personal introversion through linear revelation but also through the use of color and light. The dancers stand in muted quite with earth tones while their outfits have small hints of brilliant color with blue or pink sashes. The stiff form of the skirt while a dancer is standing still and straight as can be witnessed in Four Dancers in the forefront dancer’s position is easily transformed into a fluid myriad of colors whenever a dancer takes movement and Degas reveals an asymmetry with color, line, and the imbalance of the two. Theatre Peter Shaffer’s play Amadeus is in summary about the ‘feckless’ artistic genius of Mozart pitted against the mediocrity of Antonio Salieri whose jealousy over Mozart’s success in the play lends itself to murder. The play was an in depth exploration of Mozart as a man and not just as a genius composer; the director Kent Thompson brought Mozart’s humanity to the stage as well as accurately portraying the script composed by Shaffer. The elements of fear in failure and ebullience in joy were the true rivals in the play, and the way in which the audience relates to these characters was extraordinary. The magic, as it were, of the play was the way in which both Shaffer’s ideas and Kent’s ideas bred a new life into the classical artist Mozart; he was not only a composer by the end of the play but the audience was so engrossed in his life that he became a person to them, relatable with his life, his marriage, his children and his music. The play by Shaffer introduced to audiences a psychological background that was highlighted in Kent’s portrayal by lighting and theme background. The stages were generally a dark atmosphere which juxtaposed Mozart’s own emotional allegiance to failure, but also the lights were introduced in brilliant colors when Mozart’s psyche was enjoying a brief happiness. Kent made the lighting a major part of Shaffer’s script. Kent did a lot of spotlighting, or mood lighting in which only a few characters on stage were illuminated to show their importance. The corners and niches of darkness were the psychological equivalent to the turmoil that Mozart was going through not only in his composition powers, but also in his relationship with his mother, his wife, his rival, himself. Therefore, it was not just the use of lighting but the introduction of shadow that enabled Kent to deftly portray Mozart’s emotional being. Also, Kent incorporated into the design of the show six luxury pendant lamps above the audience members. This allowed the action and the scenery of the stage to overlap the audience so that the actions on stage would be more realistic since the audience was almost part of the play with the same scenery above their head. When the pendant lamps turned on during a palace scene or a scene calling for luxury the audience members were being incorporated into the play by the extension of the stage design into the seats. This is not the only technique Kent used in allowing the audience to become part of the actions on the stage. The way that Shaffer wrote the script, in plot, Salieri is in a wheelchair, and the action is taking place 32 years after Mozart’s, ‘assassination’. Salieri lets out a very penitent dialogue in which he asks the audience to be his confessors. In this action, both Kent and Shaffer are introducing that the suspension of disbelief does not exist at the proscenium, but at the entrance to the audience since the audience itself is asked to become characters, or confessors in the play. The life of the play, the essence that Shaffer had imagined it to be, was aptly give in Kent’s direction. The actors, the plots, the dialogue all gave Amadeus the possession of a reality given in psychological torpor by Salieri and Mozart. Not only was the costume impeccable in portraying 1781, but the props themselves gave the play an extra touch of reality in their presence on stage. The sound in the background, the classical music notes, the rendition of specific Mozart pieces added to the ambiance of the play and the inclusion of the audience members into the action on stage. The lighting however was one element that was very unique in its rendition and aided in the audience’s understanding about characters, setting, and their own inclusion in the play. The lighting was a major part of the success of the play, not only its highlighting of certain characters but in the use of shadow as well; there was a very chiaroscuro effect that Kent employed, that worked for the extra drama of the Amadeus. Dance Gina Pane was able to transform performance art to be inclusive of pain as a gateway of understanding life, and for the audience to understanding of that pain was exhibited through art. Gina Pane would, during her performances, burn her limbs and slice herself with sharp razors. During multiple performances she would take her own blood and outline her physiognomy on the plane of a mirror, at which she was peering. She would take blood from her sliced open eyelids and trace her face in the glass. By performing in this fashion Gina Pane was able to visually and metaphorically re-engineer the product of artistry in her shedding of her own blood which in turn become a dichotomy of both process and product (Hewitt 1997; 103). Thus, not only was the performance geared toward the audience but the act of bloodshed was art, thereby attributing self-mutilation as a genre in performance art. Often times this sacrifice of the performer’s blood is equated with Christ’s sacrifice for redemption of humankind, thus, the performer is acting out self-mutilation thereby cleansing the audience of their sin (Hewitt 1997; 104). The artist is using this pain and sacrifice for the importance of self expression. Gina Pane utilized this masochism in order to save the audience from the din of inexcusable art and thus she saw herself as a scapegoat that eventually rescued the audience from the cultural retardation of art from the perspective of art being disembodied and mundane because of its equaliency of being inhuman or at least no longer defined through human qualities. Gina Pane’s onstage sacrifices were a tribute to her faith in that art was not only for expression but salvation. She believed in the body, and had faith in that art through masochism was a way in which she could associate herself as an artist through recognition of the human as blood and in this was found a truth she wanted to relay to the audience (Hewitt 1997; 104). Art should not be devoid of human life and experiences and thus Gina Pane placed much importance on her shedding of blood as performance. Pane perceived the body as a vehicle, a tool of expression through pathological masochism. Thus, when Pane includes these self-mutilation acts in her work she is making a succinct statement to the audience not only of sacrifice and redemption but also in an egotistical fashion she is stating that her arms are hers to do with what she pleases. If she wants her arms to be scarred then that is how they will be and this message is delivered to the audience as control. Gina Pane’s performances are about control of the body. Music. Gangsta rap originated from the blues as well as poetry since rap in essence is poetry put to a beat just as most African American music derives itself in some form from the Deep South’s work music, so does gangsta rap originate from the hardship of the rappers’ lives, and they lived, where they lived and how they survived which is all put into the lyrics of the gangsta rap song. In gangsta rap, it is with the Blues that it is attributed to adhering to, and it is with the Blues that the cadence and lyrics gangsta rap can be found with regard to the artist and how they wrote blues as a new age rhythm in rap. In the following essay, cultural, economic, and social factors will be explored as to their impact on gangsta rap and the artist. The lyrics and the artist will be compared and contrasted and the difference between the two, will be the focus of the following pages. Also, in the music production, business will be considered, and the aesthetic aspect of production will be examined, both monetarily, and otherwise. Gangsta rap takes its cue from the Blues. The gangsta rap artist illustrates life in the hood; thus they lyrics do not propagate the problem but merely report about the problem. In this fashion gangsta rap artists are more like journalists instead of musicians as most of their lyrics are fueled from poverty stricken lives, doing drugs or selling drugs just to make money or seeing their family and friends to the same thing. All of these issues are written into the gangsta rap lyrics. As mentioned prior, the Blues was a musical form founded in the Deep South, both rooted in spirituals, and labor (Gospel Music Association). The Blues became more sophisticated as the music, and musicians moved from rural landscape to cityscape. It was within the urban environment that the Blues found its voice (Dean, 1998), as it is true that gangsta rap found its voice in the over urbanization of a culture. One of the central figureheads of gangsta rap is Tupac. His blues mixed with voice, lyrics, and the slow acceptance of depression and love in his song are reminiscent of blues, but his strict adherence to the lyrics and the politics in the lyrics made him the transcendental leader of gangsta rap. Gangsta rap is a genre of hip hop which also is heavily influenced by politics. The focus of gangsta rap and the artist was one concerned with inner-city living or ‘da hood’. Thus, the attention to gangs and gang members as part of the lyrics of gangsta rap become synonymous with this type of policy; chaos. Crime and violence are a large part of the lyrical side of gangsta rap because of its origins in the city. The artist writes what they know and it is with lyricists such as Ice-T, and 2Pac that the illusion of the nuclear family was put to waste and the creation or rather recognition of America’s streets was brought to the forefront of society. Gangsta rap is known as a realistic sound, typically associated with the angst filled lyrics of the rising rock and roll sound emerging at the same time with hip hop. Due to the eclectic influence of gangsta rap, the sound was much misinterpreted, or hard to pinpoint as a genre, and thus the inclusion of the advocacy of drugs was initiated into this musical genre. This however is not the case. Gangsta rap is anything is a narrative, and as a narrative the lyrics reflect what the artist is living or already seeing. The artist then becomes a surrogate for the rest of society in understanding life on the street and the real America. Work Cited Hewitt, Kim. Mutilating the Body: Identity in Blood and Ink. Bowling Green State University Popular Press. 1997.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Reading Food Labels and Calculating Target Body Weight

Accurate body composition test can help her monitor fat loss and muscle maintenance. It can help her better reach her weight loss goals by making sure she goes not lose too much fat or muscle. . Body weight and body composition offers an Indication of potential health risk. She may be of ideal weight, but she can still have a higher percentage of body fat. It Is Important that she monitors her progress so that she doesn't affect her overall health. Part 3: Nutrition Throughout a Life Time 1. The best way to treat gestation diabetes is to modify your diet. Seeking a nutritionist can help you control the carbohydrate intake.Other steps are to have here meals a day with two or three snacks, portion control, and avoid sweet and fruit juice. Also check blood sugar levels. 2. The Increase in protein depends of the Intensity and duration of the exercise, Like climbing Mat. Rammer. She should Increase weight. 3. Prevention is the key to delaying osteoporosis. A healthy diet with lots of frui ts and vegetables enriched with vitamin D and calcium, along with exercise is important. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol intake is also beneficial to the prevention of osteoporosis.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How did religious and political views shape or affect the conquest of Essay

How did religious and political views shape or affect the conquest of mexico - Essay Example The temporal realm was separate from life on Earth. The Nahua believe that natural and supernatural were entwined. Another defining aspect of religious influence was blood. Spaniards believed god had sent Jesus to spill his blood, but the Nahua believed that their gods needed human blood. Each religious influence controlled the outcome of the conquest. The Spanish were Roman Catholics. Although the Spaniards were Roman Catholics, different orders would shape the conquest and eventual conversion to Catholicism. Schwartz (2000:25) explains: The conversion of the indigenous peoples of New Spain (Mexico) was carried out in the sixteenth century primarily by missionary orders: the Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians, and after 1574, the Jesuits. Depending upon the order, the priests would convert the Nahua and the other tribes in Mexico. The goal was to baptize and convert the people to Christianity. It must be noted that different orders handled the natives with diverse methods. Some p riests were harsh in the conversion. The Nahua had to convert, be baptized, and refute their native religion. Other orders would incorporate the local religion into their view of Christianity. It is important to note that in the end, the Christians conquered the Nahua, but the Nahua retained some of their traditions. The Nahua believed in a variety of god and goddesses. Schwartz (2000:9) states: The many gods and goddesses can perhaps be grouped into three major categories. As an agricultural people, the Mexica gave particular devotion to the gods of the earth and of fertility, to gods like Tlaloc, god of rain†¦A second group consisted of the creator deities†¦Finally, there were deities who formed part of the cult of war and sacrifice. The many gods and goddesses were entreated for rain, victory in war, and praise for creation. The impact of the religious differences between the Spanish and Nahua in the respect to gods and goddess influenced the conquest. The Spanish fough t for a trinity in one god. The Nahua asked their gods of war and sacrifice to beat the invaders. When mankind wages war for a religious purpose they will win at all costs. If a tribe is fighting for land alone it is easier to lose. The religious ties of homeland were not as important to either side. The difference was one side fought for a sole god, but the other fought for their homeland. Thus the Spaniards overcame the Nahua. Another impact religion made on the conquest of the Spanish over the Nahua was conversion. The Nahua did not want to expand their empire through conversion. The Nahua wanted to annihilate their enemies. If they conquered people, the Nahua let them keep their identity. The Spaniards wanted to conquer and convert. This provided slave labor, allies, and more resources. Different religious values of the two warring sides influenced the conquests. Christians wore crosses with arrows, swords, and other advanced weapons. Gold was not valued by the Nahua for their t raditions. However, the Christians believed in the value of gold. The Spaniards wanted the gold to give a tribute to the church. Gold could be made into crosses. The Nahua’s rituals were of complicated temples built of stone. Water, sacrifices, and other rituals made up the Nahua religion. The value of the territory made the Spaniards feel that their god wanted them to take the riches in order to further the Church’s mission of spreading Christianity throughout the world. The

Friday, September 27, 2019

MEDIA STUDIES (assignment relates to the concept of media ownership) Essay

MEDIA STUDIES (assignment relates to the concept of media ownership) - Essay Example Lastly, a comment shall be drawn on the research. The Walt Disney Company is a media related company that shares many other interests. The company has got subsidiaries and affiliate companies. The domain of the business is, however, solely focused on entertainment. The company focuses on four segments. These three core segments entail; media interests, consumer products and studio entertainment. The fourth segment is not media related because it wanders into the hotel industry. This segment concerns resorts and parks (The Walt Disney Company 2012). Disney studios focus on family entertainment. This is the foundation that has marketed and propelled the Disney Company. It focuses on animated films and pictures (Manheim 2002, p.143). These pictures are sometimes adapted into magazine entertainment pictures and conversation (Griffin 2000, p.6). The motion pictures employ exceptional storytelling that creates interests for new releases. Walt Disney has three worldwide acclaimed animated films. They comprise; Mickey Mouse, the Seven Dwarfs and the Snow White. The Disney studios engage several distributional channels to ease the distribution of these products. The main distribution channel is Walt Disney Pictures that also divides its role for subsidiary groups. These comprise animation studios like: Pixar, Disney Toon and Walt Disney. The Disney Toon consists of Touchstone and Hollywood pictures. The Disney Company became the parent company of Pixar when it bought it through stock exchange system. Walt Disney Pictures is the interna tional distribution avenue for the company. The home entertainment focuses on selling rental movies to family oriented markets worldwide. Lastly, there is the Disney theatre distribution avenue that focuses on live entertainment. They are the directors of musicals such as; Disney live entertainment and the Disney Ice. Disney music group is concerned with the distribution of soundtracks and original music under

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Literature - Essay Example They should know the connotation of each character, and everything credited with them before dismissal. Many female Hebrew characters have inspired countless lives. They knew how to use possession to their advantage, their beauty intelligence and charisma. Female Jewish characters are many but not all of them can be mentioned. Hebrew female characters and their significance in literature Nava the wife of Benny in the sixth day suffered in silence. Her husband was ever busy; he did not spend time with her. He had the habit of hauling home his office work. Nava went through all the soreness and distress she felt inside, without complaining or cursing. Nava as a Hebrew woman from the work of literature the sixth day represents all women who give out their full time in relationships only to get back half of what they invested in the relationship. When Nava was fed up of being the considerate and accommodating wife, she decided to start by cancelling their regular lunch date. In the artic le, when she gives Adel, Benny’s works associate a note to give to him and in the note, Nava told Benny not to worry about her. It is not fair therefore, to classify all female Hebrew characters as boring and absent. In this case, the character is persevering and patient, this does not make her boring and absent. ... This woman was in no way absent, suffocating or boring. She was a hardworking woman. She is an example to all mothers, for mothers to provide for their children unconditionally. The state of the child does not matter. It should not be a reason to treat a child with so many disregards. In Orly Castel-Bloo, the narrator talks about a woman claiming to be her mother. It is not clear what gave the woman the audacity to say this to the narrator. From the narration, it is clear that Hebrew female characters were survivors. The woman in question who claimed to be the narrators mother, spent most of her time under a bench-smoking cigarette, and it is not known where she stayed. The woman could be homeless, or giving it a second thought, she could have been the mother of the narrator. The woman must have given the narrator up for adoption, because she could not provide for her. As helpless or scary the woman may occur to be, it is quite evident that she did what she thought was best for her d aughter. Hebrew women are therefore not absent and suffocating, the characters think. Only a thinking person is intellectual enough to know what is best for her daughter. Dinah a female character in the last article was childless for a long time. She did not lose hope that someday she would have her own child. She looked at mothers who had children with envy, but she treated the children well and even offered them cheese and onions. Dinah finally gave birth to a baby boy, after a long wait. Dinah is like any other woman who waits to be blessed by a child and does not lose hope. In this work of literature, Dinah has the heart of endurance. She does not represent

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Transfer to UIUC from a community college for international business Essay

Transfer to UIUC from a community college for international business major - Essay Example I got to meet students from different backgrounds and gained a lot through my interactions with them. At the summer camp, we all got together to club in our strengths and expertise in various fields to develop a marketing plan for a pizza fundraiser. We worked very hard; from designing flyers and posters to creating the hype to bringing in the crowds. We won. That little exercise taught me the rudiments of marketing and communication. I got more and more fascinated with further developing these skills and employing them in pursuing something I KNOW I was born for! I got my taste of leadership during my time as Secretary of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at my community college. Interaction with students from across the globe narrowed my choice further down to International Business, a coming together of cultures and practices for mutual benefit.I would love to share my culture and heritage with others at the same time learning from them. I believe we can take business out of geographical confines, a point that has been proved time and again, hence my application for admission at UIUC. I believe that it’ll help me kick-start my career and equip me with all the necessary tools I need to excel. Now when I look back, I finally understand what years ago my mom told me about business: it is not just about money and trade. It includes the art of communication, diligence, creativity, comprehensive understanding, social networking and generously repaying society.  And what better place to start than

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Developing Autonomous Practice in Mental Health Nursing Essay

Developing Autonomous Practice in Mental Health Nursing - Essay Example Assessment in mental health nursing is something that is most understood through its application in the case of a patient. In relation, this essay will then examine case of a patient with Paranoid Schizophrenia, who was the patient during my community placement. Performed in a form of a case study, this essay will pay attention to the patient`s psychiatric and personal history. The current sociological, psychological and physiological needs of the patient will be also examined from the point of view of therapeutic approaches. Moreover, this essay aims to demonstrate how the nursing therapeutic approaches work in practice and develop a deeper understanding of applying some therapeutic methods in the care of individuals suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. More specifically, this paper will utilize Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as the main guiding theory or theoretical perspective in the assessment and intervention processes. In addition, the goal of the paper is to examine the role of the nurse, especially as a health educator, in caring for the mentally ill patient. Finally, this paper will discuss therapeutic nursing interventions, assessment of needs, and patient`s progress, analyze the therapeutic efficacy of environment where the patient is being cared for. Case Study Patient’s Background and History As mentioned, the case to be studied involves schizophrenia. This condition is usually diagnosed in adolescents or young patients. In some cases, it can even manifest in the person’s earlier years of life. The peak incidence for the onset of the disease lies between 15 and 25 years for men and 25 to 35 years for women (America Psychiatric Association, 2004). More specifically, this case study will involve the case of Patrick Jones (pseudonym; the name of the patient is changed for confidentiality), a 25 years old who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia last year. Paranoid schizophrenia is considered to be the most common type of schizophrenia all over the world. The clinical picture of this condition is characterized by delusions, paranoia. As with most paranoid schizophrenic patients, Patrick Jones usually has perceptual disturbances and hallucinations, generally of the auditory type. Two months before Patrick was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, his girlfriend was killed by a gang committing acts of violence in the neighbourhood. Patrick`s relatives and friends were concerned about his constant complaints of abdominal pain and headache. He experien ced severe appetite loss and as a result he lost a lot of weight in two and a half months - about 12 kg. Patrick stopped taking his showers and did not pay attention to personal hygiene. As a result, his body acquired an unbearable odour. Patrick also developed an ungrounded fear that he was about to be run over by a car, so he constantly stayed at home and refused to leave it even to go to the store to buy himself some food. His behaviour became utterly anti-social. He stayed locked in his bedroom for days. He also had episodes of outbursts of anger with elements of violence, which greatly terrified his family. Because of these different occurrences and observations, as well as the assumed cause of the patient’s condition (death of girlfriend), Patrick’s family opted to call for medical assistance. Thus, Patrick was brought in for assessment and evaluation. After a series of assessments and interactions with the patient,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Wireless Network Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Wireless Network Security - Research Paper Example These days wireless networking has become an attractive trend and the professionals in all over the world are adopting wireless network security with advance trends and new features in order to protect their networks from various security threats. In other words, it can be said that these  networks  have the capability to launch interconnection among various devices. In this scenario, the main advantage that we gain from wireless networks as compared to other networks is that this technology releases us from the use of wires. In view of the fact that the communication among several nodes is established through radio waves thus there is no need of wires for establishing a network. Additionally, the wireless adapter which is located inside the machine transforms data into the radio frequency transmission and later on broadcasts it. In addition, wireless  technology is normally acknowledged as Wi-Fi technology or simply WLAN technology. In this scenario, the wireless security is t he main feature that we discuss throughout wireless networks   (Makker; Moran; Turban, Leidner and McLean). Another  advantage  of these  networks  is that users of this network are not bound to limited location despite of its usage where they have facility of signals. Hence it decreases the  expenditure required for cabling or wires that is required in wired  networks. In addition, wireless technology helps us to release from the copper wires. Here one important thing to remember is the wireless security for Wi-Fi applications.... Hence it decreases the  expenditure required for cabling or wires that is required in wired  networks. In addition, wireless technology helps us to release from the copper wires. Here one important thing to remember is the wireless security for Wi-Fi applications. In this growing era where technological aspects are growing with users of economy related needs, we have to fulfill all the essential requirements for establishing an effective wireless network. Thus, the wireless network security is a major issue that is to be considered while establishing wireless networks (Weber and Bahadur; Makker). Why wireless security is Important? †¢ It is important due to the fact it is now accessible everywhere, and hardware required for it has a low cost that will facilitate a common user to purchase it from market (Asadoorian). †¢ The aspect of Wi-Fi is used in almost every advanced application round the globe. Hence flexibility increases. We can observe that this innovative techno logy is now available easily in everything. We have example of those things that we use in our daily life like mobile phones to our daily life usage appliances (Asadoorian). †¢ Although it is a true fact that the fame of Wi-Fi technological hotspots are enhancing. In most of applications wireless security is not implemented properly (Asadoorian). †¢ As we know that Wi-Fi technology could pass through long distances thus security needs are essential for making our communication secure (Asadoorian). †¢ An important perspective of Bluetooth is that this technology is spreading and almost used in every spot round the world but this one is vulnerable to attack (Asadoorian). Additionally

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Applications of Data Mining in the areas of Marketing Communications Essay Example for Free

Applications of Data Mining in the areas of Marketing Communications Essay Introduction In the information age, technological advancements have facilitated the collection of large amounts of information on various fields to include military intelligence, scientific and business data amongst several others. Computers are able to sort out this data with the aid of database management systems. Data can be classified according to predefined criteria. Data mining involves the extraction of implicit and useful information from databases. Use of relational databases is more helpful in the sense that it allows linkage with the structured query language (SQL) that allows for predicting, comparison and the determination of variations (Che, Han Yu, 1996). In websites, this technology is used by businesses in crawling through web pages and collect information that enables the organization to enhance business, analyze the market trends and utilize the information obtained to their best interest (Web Data Mining, 2013). Applications of Data Mining In the Areas of Marketing Communications, Public Relations and Corporate Communications With the development of business intelligence, corporate management through the use of data marts and reporting software can obtain data from any region or field of interest in computer readable form in a relatively short time. It uses this data to forecast on future market expectation and consumer trends. Through its models and tools, managers are able to predict future events (Web Data Mining, 2013). It allows the analysis of past records and marketing to tailor and narrow target audience. It also helps in the determination of marketing methods; in the end, it increases revenue on sales with fewer campaigns. Data mining can predict consumer behavior, the psychology of the consumer, behavior while shopping, influence of business environment on consumers and consumer motivation depending on the importance of the product.   The products sold to consumers provide data on items how they are positioned. Data mining analyzes consumption patterns, for instance, during festive seasons to find out which products sell more and the association between one product and another. It is common to associate the purchase of bread with butter (Raorane Kulkarni, 2011).Association is utilized in making decisions in cross marketing. Through web crawling information on consumer preferences are collected, their purchase records are used in making inventory decisions and analysis of fraudulent payments (Web Data Mining, 2013). Data mining can be categorized according to the data that is collected, in businesses the identification of high profit and low risk customers is an important task for business owners, customers can be segmented with associated characteristics as loyalty and other traits. This is useful in marketing and customer relationship management (Rajagopal, 2011). Accuracy is how often models get their predictions right while reliability is a measure of consistency of the model. Validation is done to determine how models perform against real data; quality and characteristics of a data mining model must be evaluated before deployment. However, data mining models are considered reliable if they generate the same type of predictions and return the same pattern of findings regardless of the test data. Reliability in data mining is also dependent on the skill, knowledge and the ingenuity of the analyst. Meaningful relations between variables can be extracted from databases in complex formats that are unachievable through manual systems. However, reliability is no longer assured in data mining due to its complex heterogeneous and dynamic nature. It is necessary to incorporate preventive measures to safeguard data validity and integrity (Kavulya, Gandhi, Narasimhan, 2008). Conclusion Data mining is an effective tool in fields as medicine, marketing and crime prevention amongst many others. The use of computers has seen this lessen the time required for researches. The tools and models it utilizes are very helpful in business in determining and predicting consumer trends and consumption patterns that were unknown in the past. This seeks to promote revenues with little campaigns. Additionally, the use of web data mining allows businessmen to monitor consumer patterns, clusters and associations for inventory purposes. However, this technique may not be completely reliable, this depends on the skills of the user and preventive measures installed checking on reliability. Through legislation and technological interventions these issues can be alleviated. References Kavulya, S., Gandhi, R. Narasimhan, P. (2008). Gumshoe: Perspective. IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, 8 (1), pp. 866-883. Rajagopal, S. (2011). Customer data clustering using data mining technique. International journal of Database Management Systems, 3(4), pp. 1-9. Raorane, A Kulkarni, R.V. (2001). Data mining techniques: a source for consumer behavior analysis. Retrieved November 13, 2014 from: Web data mining. (2013). Predictive analytics and data mining. Retrieved November 13, 2014 from:

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Analyse the significance of passion Essay Example for Free

Analyse the significance of passion Essay In the tragedy Romeo and Juliet there are many forms to passion; these references are made in a variety of ways, ranging from parental passion to the classic loving passion shared between two people. But there is an underlying hint right from the very start that there is an inevitable notion that this love will never happen because of the family feud. At the very start of the book, the chorus introduces the heated feud between the Montague and Capulet households. This feud has spanned a long time and is an ancient grudge that has continued throughout the family, from the parents to the children and even into the servants of the households. The word two is used, frequently, not just to refer to Romeo and Juliet but to show the obstacles they face to show the opposites as rivals and not just families. We see rivalry induced by the feud where servants from the two houses meet in the town of Verona. When Sampson and Gregory, servants of the Capulet household meet and clash with Abram and Balthasar, of the Montague household, the rivalry is shown from the outset, My naked weapon is out. Quarrel, I will back thee. This is in the first meeting of the servants, where Sampson explains he will back Gregory if he happens to get into a fight, and surely enough, they do get into a fight, household against household which is then broken up by Benvolio, Put up your swords, you know what to do. When he says this, it brings the realisation that they are in public, but the hot headed Tybalt does not agree and wants to fight. He says, Peace? I hate the word and they fight again. This is only then broken up by the officers, and Prince, even though the heads of the families arrive and actually want to fight each other themselves! Give me my long sword, ho! this is Capulet speaking to his wife, asking for his sword, but this is then stopped by Prince Escales. This starts the notions of the tragic end; it brings them together but also leads them to their deaths. We first meet Romeo, moping around feeling sorry for himself, and isolating himself. He is a typical petrachan lover solipsistic, which means feeling sorry for himself and being self absorbed speaking in complex language, using oxy morons , like feather of lead. obviously an opposite as feathers are very light and not heavy. Cold fire and of course fire is not cold! These are used to emphasise Romeos feelings at this present time, he is feeling quite confused and discarded because his love is not reciprocated by Rosaline, but he is making sure he feels it and everyone else knows about it. Shakespeare uses a play on words, a translingual pun, when Benvolio uses Romeo walking underneath the sycamore grove. At first glance this doesnt look very significant at all but if we read between the lines we find it is a very clever pun, which is used to emphasise Romeos feelings. Syc, or sick is used to describe his ill state of emotional health, while amour is the French word for love, so sycamore, literally means sick of love, and as he feels physically sick as a result of his un-returned love. This is quite ironic as the love is not returned, as he is never going to get her but he thinks that he is and hopes and prays that she will love him back but unfortunately this is never going to happen. On Romeo and Julies first meeting there is a lot of passion felt and shown, When Romeo sees Juliet for the first time, he is astounded and taken aback by her beauty, he sees Juliet as a rich jewel in an Ethiops ear and he is stunned by her. Their first exchange is filled with religious imagery, Romeo initiates it and Juliet immediately responds to Romeo positively, That I must love a loathed enemy this is further on in the passage, after Juliet finds out Romeo is from a different family, but she still shows how she likes him and still wants to see him even though the family feud could, and does get them in a lot of trouble. Juliet is reminding herself that she needs to be a lady but still stays very coy and subtly flirtatious, Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer. This is when Romeo tries to kiss her and she says this as an attempt to warn him off, and he, as expected, does not take to this and carries on trying to kiss her, and she, quite taken aback by this obliges, and once again remembers she has to be a lady, but as expected succumbs to another kiss from him and has really let her guard down. But she is reminded again to be a lady, by the nurse, as Juliet has to go and meet her mother and speak with her. Romeo realises this love is real later on when they meet again in the evening and he hears her speaking and the famous balcony scene on which he listens to her waiting for him to arrive. The parents of Romeo and Juliet show a lot of passionate emotions and feelings for their children and in the Capulets case, for their nephew , Tybalt, the passion is clearly when Tybalt is slain by Romeo. The love and passion that lady Capulet shows for him, by calling for Romeos blood, Romeo must not live and is very passionate about the killing of their nephew. The Montague household shows a lot of care for Romeo in one of the only instances we see the Montagues, when Romeo is in exile, he talks about writing as letter to his father which shows a lot of care for them, Juliets parents, however are only there to make her marry Paris so they can gain most of the benefit out of it. Instead of making their daughter happy. In contrast, it seems that the Montague parents love their son as the father son bond is strong, whereas the father daughter or mother daughter bond in the Capulet household is very weak as the parents do not seem like they want whats best for their daughter. How, will she none? Doth she not give us thanks? Is she not proud? Doth she not count her blest this is the point at which Juliet spells out that she does not want to marry Paris and her parents are very upset, even offended by this and cannot understand why she would not like to make them happy. But there is clearly love shown by both of the sets of parents at the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, and it is mis-sheathed in my daughters bosom this is when they first see her in the tomb of the Capulets and they are distraught at the sight of seeing their own flesh and blood lying dead by her own sword. The prologue and the chorus play a huge part in helping the audience understand and foreshadow the tragic events in the play, star crossd lovers it is set out from the start that something is going to go wrong, there are many mentions of fate in the chorus, that the play is always going to end in death for our two heroines and that the marriage could never have worked because something, fate, was always working against them because of this terrible feud that has lasted throughout the family histories. The nurse and the friar play huge parts in the lives of the two children, they make the whole marriage happen by organising everything and help Juliet to get away from her parents, when the friar suggests drinking the vial of fluid that has the potion to make it look as if Juliet is dead and so she would be buried, but unfortunately fate was working against them once again as the letter the friar wrote to Romeo never made it to him so Romeo ended up killing himself because he saw his bride lying dead before him. The nurse has been a wet nurse to Juliet for as long as Juliet has been alive and she is much closer to Juliet, we know this because Juliet is much less formal when she is around the nurse but very formal around her mother by using thou and you to indicate formality. Unfortunately in this Tragedy Romeo and Juliet even though they had much help getting together, it is underlined by the curse at the start that because of the family feud it will never last and was always going to end in tragedy.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Human Adaptations to Extreme Cold

Human Adaptations to Extreme Cold   Abstract Humans have successfully adapted to environmental stresses, including extreme cold. A review of existing literature examining archaeological data, historical data, and current populations regarding human adaptation to cold stress (average annual temperature of ~ -14 °C / 7 °F) yields evidence supporting distinctive morphological, physiological and behavioral traits that compensate for the stress. Morphological adaptations can be seen in elongated and narrowed nasal passages (long narrow noses), which help warm and hydrate the air before it passes into the lungs; and a decreased surface area to volume ratio and allowing the individuals to more easily maintain a normal core body temperature. Physiological adaptations include: increased basal metabolic rate, which increases the amount of body heat produced; and a higher prevalence of type 1 diabetes, which may be a genetic adaptation that protects cells from freezing. Additionally behavioral adaptations can be observed in agricultur e, awareness of fickle environmental factors, and clothing. Traditional populations in sub-polar regions tend to be hunter foragers; agriculture is limited to what can be cultivated in the short growing season. Some populations demonstrate acute awareness of weather patterns, modifying their behaviors to minimize exposure to dangerous conditions while taking full advantage of more temperate periods. The author finds ample evidence of widely varied human adaptations to extremely cold environments which allow sub-arctic populations to survive more easily in their specific environments. Human Adaptations to Extreme Cold Humans have successfully adapted morphologically, physiologically, and behaviorally to environmental stress, including extreme cold. As a species, humans have survived Ice Ages which brought the intensely cold environment, normal for our polar and sub-polar regions, across much of the planet. To understand the wide variety of adaptations which have proven successful, the author explored existing literature analyzing data from archaeological, historical, and anecdotal sources, as well as from current populations. Because more information involving human populations exists for inhabitants of sub-polar regions than for any other extremely cold environments (except high-altitude locales where oxygen level is a significant contributing factor for adaptation and would complicate conclusions which might be drawn about adaptations to cold stress) the author focused there. Extreme cold is defined, in terms of environment, by examining monthly mean temperature charts provided online by the U.S . Navy (Guest, 2000). These data show that monthly mean temperatures at sub-polar locations, both north and south, range from -30 °C (-22 °F) in January to +5 ° C (+41 °F) in July, with daily variations from -40 °C (-40 °F) to +30 °C (+86 °F) yielding average annual temperatures ~ -14 °C (7 °F). Ample evidence exists to support conclusions that morphological, physiological, and behavioral adaptations have occurred in response to the stress of existence in extremely cold environments. Morphological adaptations can be seen in elongated and narrowed nasal passages, broad pelves, and relatively short, stocky bodies. (Kennedy 2007; Hernandez, Fox, Garcia-Moro 1997). Fueguians and the Eskimos are the human groups with the narrowest and highest nasal apertures, displaying a combination of large nasal height and low nasal breadth values, while groups from equatorial areas have low, wide nasal passages (Hernà ¡, et al. 1997). Both groups lived and/or live in the sub-polar regions (one nearer the southern pole, one nearer the northern). Fueguians inhabited Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost tip of South American after the ice sheets receded, ~ 10,000 to 12,000 BP (before present). Unlike the sub-Arctic environment, which is cold and dry, the climate of Tierra del Fuego is extremely cold, rainy, foggy, and windy. Average temperatures are in line with our definition of extreme cold, but in addition the area receives ~3000 mm (118 in) of rain each year and strong, persistent winds that blow off the glaciers, inducing a significant windchill affect. (Hernà ¡, et al. 1997, and references therein) took craniometric (measurments of the skull) measurements of 180 skulls from three distinct tribal groups of the area and analyzed them in relation to Howells 28 craniometric series in order to increase the statistical significance of the sample. When all the measurements were plotted on a climate map, a strong correlation between increased nasal height combined with narrow breadth and extremely low temperatures is apparent. Researchers postulate that high, narrow nasal openings allow frigid air to be warmed by the mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity to prevent damage to delicate lung tissue, and enhance the recovery of heat and moisture from expired air. (Hernà ¡, et al. 1997) Another morphological adaptation supported by existing studies is a short, stocky body structure. Body proportions of humans [and other endothermic (i.e., warm-blooded) species] have long been known to show significant correlations with climatic variables and their proxies. Specifically, two empirically derived ecogeographical rules, those of Bergmann (1847) and Allen (1877), state that within a widespread endothermic species, those in colder regions will tend to weigh more (Bergmanns rule) and be characterized by shorter appendages (Allens rule) than their conspecifics [members of the same species] in warmer climes. (Holliday and Hilton, 2010 and references therein). They also put forward colder-climate groups being characterized by broader pelves, and reference C.B Ruffs work from the early 1990s. Holliday and Hilton (2010) examine skeletal data from the Point Hope Inuit (another name for Eskimo) of North America. A total of 173 individuals, 127 from the Tigara period (13th to 17th century AD) and 46 from the Ipiutak period (~100 BC to 500 AD) were measured and analyzed relative to other Native North Americans, and samples from Europe, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa (from similar periods). Based on results from previous studies referenced, Holliday and Hilton concentrated their effort on measurements which have already been determined to vary with climate, specifically limb bones from the four major limb segments, femoral head diameter, skeletal trunk height (the summed dorsal body heights of T1-L5 plus sacral ventral length), and bi-iliac breadth [pelvic width]. (Holliday and Hilton, 2010). From the basic measurements, the authors computed seven ratios which are identified as indices for comparison. Results show that African samples provide the lowest indices while circumpolar populations show the highest, with European numbers in the middle. Neither of the groups measured specifically for this study (nor the third Native North American sample) is signific antly different from the other, but marked variations exist between these groups and both of the African groups. Interestingly, results do not support the authors expectation that the Inuit and Europeans would show a discernible variation using the specific indices studied. However, the bi-iliac relative breadth index (pelvic breadth compared to assumed trunk height) did separate these two groups distinctly. As a counter-point, it is noted that there are other factors which can affect overall stature, such as under-nutrition. In a harsh environment, maintaining sufficient nutritional intake is likely compromised, and so the shorter body may not be simply an adaptation to the extremely cold environment. Popular rhetoric holds that a layer of body fat helps keep humans, and other mammals, warm. In his 2007 American Journal of Human Biology article, Human cold adaptation: An unfinished agenda Steegmann does not disagree; he says, Fat insulates better than muscle per unit of thickness. However, in a fit person, muscle layers are usually much thicker than subcutaneous fat and consequently have higher absolute insulative value. Studies in the 1950s and 1960s (referenced in Elsner (1963): LeBlanc, 1954; Baker and Daniels, 1956; Daniels, et al, 1961) demonstrated that Caucasians with a thicker layer of body fat, as measured by skinfold, maintained core temperature, skin temperature, and metabolic rate more reliably when exposed to 15 ° C (59 °F) for two hours. However, in a similar study (Elsner, 1963) compared the skinfold thickness of eight hunter-gatherer groups (aborigines of central and northern Australia, Inuit of Canada, Eskimos, Alacaluf Indians of southern Chile, Lapps, Peruvi an Indians, and Kalahari bushmen), and cold-acclimatized Norwegian students, with urban Caucasians as a control. Skinfold thickness was measured at ten locations: abdomen, back (subscapular), calf, cheek, chin, iliac crest, knee, pectoral, upper arm,and side. The urban Caucasian control group had higher values across the board, except for the cheek measurement. Of particular interest, Canadian Inuit, and Eskimos had amongst the lowest values; not what was expected from populations that acquire 70-75% of their caloric intake (see above) from animal fat. Additionally he measured the rectal temperature, metabolic rate, and skin temperature of his subjects during an eight-hour sleep period with ambient room temperature of 0 ° 5 °C (32 ° 41 °F) during which time they had only one thin blanket to wrap up in. Elsner reports that there was poor correlation between skinfold thickness and the measurements of interest during the overnight study. In support of these findings, from ano ther study, Steegman (2007) reports results which demonstrate that Inuit traditionally had high muscle mass and high work capacity, but low body fat. Aside from the subjective observation that the primitive groups had better sleep than the control group, three sets of reactions emerged from Elsners study: 1) Canadian Inuit, Eskimos, and Alacaluf Indians, and cold-acclimatized Norwegian students demonstrated high metabolic rates (measurement technique not defined) and warm extremities; 2) Kalahari bushmen and aborigines from central Australia had stable or falling metabolic rate and cooler skin; and 3) Peruvian Indians and Lapps had low rectal temperatures and higher extremity temperatures. So, while a thicker layer of body fat does not seem to be a human adaptation for survival in extremely cold environments, increased metabolic rate and some protective mechanism to keep extremities warm both appear likely. (Makinen, 2007) Physiological adaptations include: increased basal metabolic rate, high protein/high fat/low carbohydrate nutritional requirements, and some evidence of variations in blood chemistry. (Westerterp-Plantenga 1999; Srivastava, Kumar 1991; Moalem, Storey, Percy, Peros, Perl 2004) An inverse relationship between BMR and mean annual temperature has been documented, which holds true even when controlled for differences in body size. (Snodgrass, et all 2005) In fact, Snodgrass, et al (2005) conducted extensive research among the Yakut population in Siberia (sub-polar Asia) which supports the claim that increased basal metabolic rate is an important human adapation to the stress of an extremely cold environment. With a thorough and well-documented scientific process, participants in the Snodgrass study underwent measurements of core temperature, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and heart rate in a thermoneutral (23 ° 27 °C) environment after a 12-hour fast. Results for basal metabolic rate (BMR) were predicted based on three standards drawn from a European population: fat-free mass (FFM), surface area (SA), and body mass. In all three cases, for males and females, the Yakut BMR measured significantly higher than predicted values. The BMR of Yaku t men and women were demonstrably elevated over their more southern-dwelling, European counterparts. Another metabolic adaptation might be seen in the increased incidence of Type 1 diabetes mellitus among northern Europeans. Moalem, et al (2004) Recent animal research has uncovered the importance of the generation of elevated levels of glucose, glycerol and other sugar derivatives as a physiological means for cold adaptation. High concentrations of these substances depress the freezing point of body fluids and prevent the formation of ice crystals in cells through supercooling, thus acting as a cryoprotectant or antifreeze for vital organs as well as in their muscle tissue. Citing the example of cystic fibrosis conferring immunity to typhoid (salmonella typhi), the authors suggest that elevated blood glucose levels, such as are seen when the body does not produce insulin, may be the result of genetic mutation which gave an evolutionary advantage to inhabitants of cold climates about 14,000 years ago when world-wide temperatures dropped dramatically. Life expectancies then were short, so genetic adaptations that enhanced survival would have favored changes in the short term. Now that our life expectancies have increased to 70+ years, we can observe that such changes might have been beneficial then, but currently are causing dangerous health issues within the aging population. Traditional dietary intake of these populations of cold-dwellers depends completely on what is available at any given time. In 2004 Patricia Cochran, a native Inuit Alaskan, wrote on the traditional diet for Our meat was seal and walrus, marine mammals that live in cold water and have lots of fat. We used seal oil for our cooking and as a dipping sauce for food. We had moose, caribou, and reindeer. We hunted ducks, geese, and little land birds like quail, called ptarmigan. We caught crab and lots of fish-salmon, whitefish, tomcod, pike, and char. Our fish were cooked, dried, smoked, or frozen. We ate frozen raw whitefish, sliced thin. The elders liked stinkfish, fish buried in seal bags or cans in the tundra and left to ferment. And fermented seal flipper, they liked that too. She reports that in the short summers the villagers would forage for roots, greens, and berries.. What the diet of the Far North illustrates, says Harold Draper, a biochemist and expert in Eskimo nutrition, is that there are no essential foods-only essential nutrients. And humans can get those nutrients from diverse and eye-opening sources. Inhabitants of extremely cold climates do not live to eat, they eat to live. The traditional Inuit diet, which seems to a Westerner to be sorely lacking in fruits and vegetables, which the U.S. government insists are necessary for wellness, supplies all they need to maintain health in their sub-polar climate. Vitamin C, which is a vital component for healthy connective tissue, is found in raw animal organs, raw kelp, and even muktuk, which is as rich in Vitamin C as orange juice, gram for gram.Fat-soluble vitamins A and D are metabolically mined from cold-water fish and mammal fats and livers. Not surprising, then, that the traditional Inuit diet comprised 90% of its caloric intake from meat and fish, 50-70% of its calories specifically from wild animal fat fat is the source of not only calories but also necessary nutrients. This traditional Inuit diet based wholly on what food is available from hunting, fishing and forage-harvesting might be a behavioral/cultural adaptation to the climate, while also encompassing metabolic/digestive adaptations. While morphological and physiological adaptations to environment take eons to manifest, some cultural and social adaptations may be apparent on a far shorter time scale. Steegmann (2007, and references therein) speaks about Richard K. Nelsons comparison of Kutchin natives of east-central Alaska to Eskimos, explaining Nelsons observation that Kutchin hunters keep moving if they lose their way, afraid if they stop they will sleep and freeze. Eskimo rest as needed and only move to stay warm. He also noted that Eskimo had a complex understanding of weather prediction and were better equipped to plan accordingly and keep themselves safe. In both cases, Eskimos seem to practice higher survival skills and both behaviors are strongly directed by cultural traditions. Two very different responses to the same stimuli in similar environments, with potentially diametrically opposed results: survival and death. Another surprising and non-intuitive variation in responses to the extreme cold of sub-polar life can be found in the clothing styles of arctic and some sub-arctic populations. According to Hernà ¡, et al. (1997) arctic inhabitants, such as the Inuit, wear clothing designed to protect them from the harsh cold, whereas the three Fuegian tribes they study, who lived at the southern tip of South America, are anecdotally described as almost naked throughout their lives. The Fuegian tribes are extinct, so no opportunities to explore their cultural adaptations to their extreme environment. Human adapation to the stress of an extremely cold environment, such as those of sub-polar regions, can be seen in morphological changes, physiological changes, and behavioral/cultural developments. Morphological changes include long, narrow nasal passages, to pre-warm icy air and protect fragile lung tissues and short, stocky body structure, which increases the body mass to surface area ratio, conserving body heat. Physiologically, increased basal metabolic rate is strongly supported as an adaptation, in a contemporary population, to the extremely cold climate of Siberia. An increased incidence of Type 1 diabetes in cold climates is suggested as a favorable mutation during the rapid onset of a mini Ice Age, but more studies would be needed to prove this as a lasting adaptation. Changes in metabolism and digestion in order to extract necessary nutrients from the limited food sources available in a sub-polar climate may be a physiological adaptation, but without studies to demonstrate a change in how the Inuit (or other sub-polar inhabitant) body processes food in order to extract necessary nutrients, it should be categorized as a behavioral/cultural adaptations. They eat to live, utilizing all food sources available. Other behavioral adaptations can be observed in a more precise weather awareness, perhaps, and clothing styles.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Process of Obtaining a Home Mortgage Essay -- Business

To begin this executive summary, we first look at the issue of research. In our semester project we are discussing the steps one would take in order to get a home mortgage. The reason we have chosen to do this project is to see how one goes about not only becoming approved for a loan but also how to service your mortgage and keep it up to par. The sources that we used in obtaining this information were sources that were able to help educate us on home mortgage and also help us further understand the entire process. The web-site was to me the most useful in our research. This site provided thousands of articles on the issue, a glossary and dictionary to help us in our search, and also provided a number of links to other sites that could elaborate on a certain subject. One of the links that we visited was, this site helped us further understand Fannie Mae and apply it to our research. With this extensive research we came across a number of main findings. The first was how one went about getting a home mortgage. We found that when applying for a mortgage the borrower must give a credit report, prove sources of income, show proof of any assets, and proof of any debts, i.e. credit card payments, car loans, ect. After the application process the applicant is either accepted or denied the loan, then the terms of the mortgage are decided upon. Terms of the mortgage can include length of the loan or interest that will be charged on the mortgage. Then a mortgage agreement is signed by the borrower and the borrower receives receives the mortgage and the financial institution begins to service the loan. Upon the closing of the mortgage, the financial institution begins to service the ... ...lue of the house and other factors. Sources 1) Gasper, Juli-Ann Ph.D, â€Å"Mortgage Securitization,† Power Point presentation— copyright 2002. 2) Hayes III, Samuel L., Mortgage Banking Harvard. 1992. 3) Home Buyer’s Guide. Omaha State Bank, 2001 4) Kidwell, David S., Richard L. Peterson, and David W. Blackwell. Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money. Harcourt College, 2000, Chapter 10. 5) Managing Your Mortgage. 18 Feb. 2002 6) Peterson, Doug. Personal interview. 18 Feb. 2002. 7) Mortgage Application. 18 Feb. 2002 8) Transfer of Your Mortgage. 18 Feb. 2002 9) Understanding Fannie Mae. 15 Feb. 2002

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Indie Music :: essays research papers

I heard the term "indie" bounced around a lot these days and I wonder what the definition of indie is. I think of it as a reference to a musician, small record label or film company without an affiliation with a major corporation. I read this article by Bob Baker, the author of "Branding Yourself Online: How to Use the Internet to Become a Celebrity or Expert in Your Field" and the "Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook." He defines I-N-D-I-E as: I - Inspired He said to embrace the indie frame of mind, you must be inspired. You have to know in your gut that music is what you are meant to do. You must become energized when writing, recording and performing your music. When this kind of natural inspiration comes over you, it's a sure sign that you're on the right path. And you will need this desire to carry you through the ups and downs of pursuing the independent music path. N - Nontraditional Indie musicians don't mind learning about what has come before, and they are happy to listen to the "rules" that others say are required to have a successful music career. However, the smartest indie artists keep their minds flexible and constantly ask questions about how the supposed "rules" of the past really apply to them. They actually develop a mindset that seeks out the road less traveled. And when they spot a good idea that's off the traditional path, they fearlessly go after it without apologies. D - Determined Successful indie artists are fixated on their goals and determined to reach them. They still leave room to veer from the original plan, when needed, but they are steadfast in their desire to produce more and better music, reach more fans, sell more CDs, etc. With this attitude, obstacles become short-term learning experiences along the road to higher levels of success. I - Innovative Being an indie means thinking outside of the proverbial box and looking at fresh opportunities from every angle. It means not promoting yourself the same way a thousand other acts have done it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bullying: Victim and Researchers Essay

I. Introduction Bullying is one of the major problems that our students are facing. In CIC’s Guidance Office and even in the Office of the Student’s Affairs (OSA) many of the students have reported different cases of bullying. Some students do not go in the said offices but instead they would prefer to relay such incidents to their teachers. Some go directly to the Principal’s Office along with their parents or guardians. One good attestation and observation, a high school student who feels superior tends to bully students in the lower years. This student asks some students from lower years to do his assignment. Sometimes he drives the student’s confidence down. The freshmen and some students of different year levels are afraid of this student. In order for this student to succeed in his studies or get high grade he would force others to do his projects. Hence, he looks for weaker student that he may over power in order for him to be famous or be regarded as someone influ ential. The victim loses his focus in school because of the threat brought by this bully. Sometimes he would not attend his classes and increase tendency of failing his academic subjects. Such scenario has been a recurring phenomenon in the school environment. Numerous studies have been made in the past as part of a continuous attempt to understand human behavior in its entirety. At present, however, bullying has been regarded a typical happening in schools and less attention is given to it or none at all. Although bullying may seem a minor concern in the research locale of this study, which is the school, it undermines most students who are simply afraid to speak up about it. According to Encarta Dictionary, bullying is the process of intimidating or mistreating somebody weaker or in a vulnerable situation. Cases of physical, sexual, emotional, even spiritual abuse may be considered as bullying (Ouimet, 2011). Bullying may also be described as Rankism or discriminatory towards others because of their rank in a particular hierarchy. (Fuller, 2003) Bullying is an action which uses negative words against someone which causes distress to the one who is being bullied. Moreover, the victim may lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, hopelessness and worst develop suicidal tendencies (Oliver et al., 2003). Bullying may also cause students’ absenteeism or particularly their less engagement in school. In one scenario, a higher year student has a project in one of his subjects. For this student to accomplish the project, he threatens a lower year student verbally to do it for him and finish it as soon as possible. If the victim would not comply with the oppressor’s demand, the oppressor will beat up the lower year student ruthlessly. However, the victim is also busy with his studies and it’s difficult for the victim to do the oppressor’s demand at the same time. Since, he could not do the oppressor’s demand; the victim will not go to school because he is afraid to be beaten up. These findings have encouraged the researchers to conduct a further study in a specific place where such cases are often occurring, the school. In relation to our study, Ken Seeley, EdD et al. (2009) of the National Center for School Engagement conducted a research on peer victimization or also known as Bullying. Their study tells that bullying is not direct cause of students’ absenteeism or low school achievement. However, Bullying results in the victim becoming less engaged in school and cease attending classes. Seeley focused on the effects and ultimate outcomes of bullying not just whether raw bullying numbers decrease, but whether the ever-present victims of bullying go on to college or to crime. Their research was also designed to assess the role of victimization frequency and intensity in determining how much school a student misses. Additionally, their study reveals a connection between bullying and school engagement. Bullying had a negative impact with school engagement, so the more a student was victimized, the less the student was engaged at school. The authors concluded that bullying greatly influences the student’s engagement in school that the more occurrence of peer victimization the less the student attend his/her class. Statement of the Problem: What does bullying really give? Does it really give happiness to the oppressor? How about the victims? Do they feel the same way too? These are the questions raised by the researchers upon seeing the rampant cases of bullying. In this study, the researchers come up with a major question in their research: * How can we lessen the rampant cases of bullying in CIC High school Department? In addition, the researchers have minor questions in the said topic: * What are the major causes of bullying in CIC High School Department? * In what way can bullying threaten CIC High School Students’ lives? Significance of the Study: The purpose of this paper is to lessen the influence of bullying not only in CIC High School Department but also in other departments and other schools where cases of bullying are rampant. Information regarding bullying will help students to cope up with it accordingly. This paper will help those students who experience bullying to regain their self-esteem and to have a better social life. It will also serve as an eye-opener for students who are unaware of their actions which may be considered as bullying towards their fellow students. This work will give knowledge to the readers about what bullying really is and a clear vision about the effects of bullying in every individual’s life. Subsequently, this study will be beneficial to the oppressors of bullying that they may use the knowledge to avert the intensifying cases of bullying. It will give victims of bullying understanding and awareness on what they need to do if they are facing this problem. Scope and Delimitation: One aspect covered by this research is the social life of the high school students in the school environment in relation to the various effects brought by bullying. This, in particular, includes how victims of bullying as well as the oppressors relate and interact with fellow students, peers and their teachers. In addition, the study focuses on the academic life of the high school students on how they perform in class and in different activities in the school. This refers to the grades of the students who have experienced acts of bullying and also of the oppressors. II. METHOD Method of Research: In this section, the study presents the computations concerning the population of the respondents using the Slovin’s Formula as well as the study’s data and the process of how it was gathered. For the questionnaires used in the survey, the researchers adapt the instrument known as Likert Scale. Moreover, the researchers discuss the statistical treatment on how the students respond in the survey questionnaires. Since Bullying involves human behavior which needs psychological explanation, the researchers employ Descriptive-Status Method in tackling this topic. This method will help the researchers to easily obtain answers and solutions to the problem. Moreover, the method will help the researchers to make a more understandable and manageable approach to the topic as it will provide clearer explanations to the target aspects of the study. This method will aid the readers to easily comprehend the data and information discussed in the study. Samples and Sampling Procedures The researchers employ Purposive Sampling design since it is most suitable with the research. Purposive Sampling design, also known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling technique. Non-probability sampling focuses on sampling techniques where the units that are investigated are based on the judgment of the researcher. Moreover, the researchers used the Slovin’s Formula to get the Number of Respondents allotted in each year level. Table 1: The Total Population of Different levels of the High School Students of the College of the Immaculate Conception and the Number of Respondents computed using Slovin’s Formula. Year Level| Total Population(Number of Students) Data Gathering Procedures: The researchers composed questionnaires whereby the respondents are asked to answer a set of questions by means of rating depending on their level of agreement or disagreement. The questions concern the effects of bullying in every student’s studies. The researchers enquire answers to come up with a conclusion regarding to the study. The questionnaires are distributed to the different year levels of respondents. Description of the Instrument: In this study, the researchers used the questionnaire made of a Likert Scale to gather necessary data and information. The scale is named after its inventor, a psychologist named Rensis Likert. Likert Scale is also known as rating scale that the respondents specify their level of agreement or disagreement on a symmetric agree-disagree scale for a series of statements. Thus, the scale captures the intensity of the student’s feeling for a given item. Construction and Validation of the Instruments: The researchers have undergone brainstorming and revisions in order to have a final survey. The researchers used a survey as the instrument of the study .Suggestions and comments were raised by the English critics and Statistician upon seeing the draft of the survey. However the instrument undergone a lot of revisions and the researchers took the suggestions of the English critics for the researchers to have an official instrument. The instrument was finalized and polished by the researchers thus; the researchers reproduce the instrument and distributed upon the signal of the Research Adviser. Administration of the Instrument After the instrument has been approved by the experts, the researchers went through the reproduction of the questionnaires. Conclusions: In light of the above summary and findings, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. According to the respondents of this study, most of them are victims of bullying. Almost all of them are suffering from bullying and didn’t have the confidence to face the bullies. Based on the data gathered by the researchers, 69% respondents attest that they sometimes experience bullying in the school. As a result they almost lose all of their confidence in themselves but luckily there was God and their family to support them. 2. It only showed that most of the respondents moved on and the bullying was just a challenge, trial and inspiration to realize something more about life. It gave them a lesson in protecting and maintaining their bravery within themselves because it was a gift from God. And we must be ready at all times for such obstacles in life that might happen in the future. 3. We Filipinos still carry the good attitude of our ancestors which is shown a lot of times throughout our history. So instead of bullying others, how about we use this attitude to be united again not only within our city but also in the whole country. 4. The victims used a lot of strength to move on from the challenging event happened in their lives. For them, it was very hard to move on and to forget the tragedy they experienced because it almost destroyed their future but with the help of God, most of the victims realized that they still need to move on and face the reality to continue their lives and be thankful for surviving such event and their faith in God was strongly developed. 5. The lessons given by this research was to open the eyes of the victims who are suffering from this and to learn the different things to do to protect themselves. We must be prepared and be aware enough to such things as bullying. Some victims said that they realized the importance of not only themselves but also their family because they are the only ones left and served as inspiration to move on from the trials in life. 6. The victims have learned a lot and they have some suggestions to the school, to the community and to others. To the school, they should voice out the needs of the victims of the bullying. For the community and to others, they wanted to emphasize the importance of the family, to be strong, and faced the trials in life and do not give up. The victims did not lose hope to survive the battle because they believe in God and they pray to God. We must never forget God and ask for His goodness to guide and gives us strength in the trails we are facing. 7. No matter what end of the bullying we are on, we need to make sure that we are doing our part to prevent and stop this. Bullying is a serious matter, whether we like it or not. If we do not think that we can handle the situation on our own, there is no harm in asking for help. We can find help in a variety of places, even within our own family. Recommendations: These are some of the researchers’ recommendations after the findings and conclusions were made: 1. Bullying is a serious problem that can dramatically affect the ability of students to progress academically and socially. A comprehensive intervention plan that involves all students, parents, and school staff is required to ensure that all students can learn in a safe and fear-free environment. 2. Do not be a coward and try to face the challenges in our life. 3. Love ourselves and show the bullies that we have the strength to face them before it’s too late. 4. Instead of getting a revenge on the bully, try to show them that you’re not affected by this because the real weaklings here are the bullies. 5. Always be prepared through learning the different things to do when such difficulties happen in the future. 6. The guidance counselor and the Office of the Student Affairs must take action immediately when such event happens. 7. Through trials we face in life, do not forget to have faith in God and ask for His guidance, for our family to be always safe and secure. Lastly, be thankful for the life that He gave us. 8. The Government should take action to this problem by promoting an anti-bullying program not only to schools but also to our fellow countrymen.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Digital India Essay

Digital India is a programme to transform India into digital empowered society and knowledge economy. Even though India is known as a powerhouse of software, the availability of electronics government services to citizens is still comparatively low. So this programme has been started by our prime minister Sri Narendra Modi on August 7,2014 to sensitize all ministries to this vast programme touching every corner of the government .This programme has been envisaged by Department of Electronics and Information Technology . The National e-Governance Plan approved in 2006 has made a steady progress through Mission Mode Projects and Core ICT Infrastructure, but greater thrust is required to ensure effective progress in electronics manufacturing and e-Governance in the country. The Digital India vision provides the intensified impetus for further momentum and progress for this initiative and this would promote inclusive growth that covers electronic services, products, devices, manufacturing and job opportunities. India in the 21st Century must strive to meet the aspirations of its citizens where government and its services reach the doorsteps of citizens and contribute towards a long-lasting positive impact. AIM OF DIGITAL INDIA PROGRAMME The vision of Digital India aims to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. The programme will be implemented in phases from the current year till 2018. The Digital India is transformational in nature and would ensure that Government services are available to citizens electronically. It would also bring in public accountability through mandated delivery of governments services electronically. A Unique ID e-Pramaan based on authentic and standard based interoperable and integrated government applications and data basis. The vision areas of Digital India are of follows†¦. Infrastructure as Utility to Every Citizen High speed internet as a core utility shall be made available in all Gram Panchayats. Cradle to grave digital identity –unique, lifelong, online and authenticable. Mobile phone and Bank account would enable participation in digital and financial space at individual level. Easy access to a common service centre within their locality. Shareable private space on a public  cloud. Safe and secure Cyber-space in the country. Governance and services on Demand Seamlessly integrated across departments or jurisdictions to prove easy and a single window access to all persons. Government services available in real time from online and mobile platforms. All citizen entitlements to be available on the Cloud to ensure easy access. Government services digitally transforms for improving easy of doing business. Making financial transactions above a threshold, electronics and cashless. Leveraging GIS for decision support systems and development. Digital Empowerment of Citizens Universal digital literacy. All digital resources universally accessible. All Government documents/certificates to be available on the available on the Cloud. Availability of digital resources/services in Indian languages. Collaborative digital platforms for participative governance. Portability of all entitlements for individuals through the Cloud SCOPE OF DIGITAL INDIA The overall scope of this programme is: To prepare India for a knowledge future. On being transformative that is to realize IT (Indian Talent) + IT (Information Technology)=IT (India Tomorrow). Making technology central to enabling change. On being an Umbrella Programme-covering many departments. CONCLUSION The Digital India Programme will pull together many existing schemes which would be restructured and re-focused and implemented in a synchronized manner. The common branding of the programmes as Digital India highlights their transformative impact.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Monstrosity: a Common Trait in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Shelley’s Frankenstein

Through time, the theme of the monstrosity has been a prominent subject in many novels and plays. In the play â€Å"Macbeth,† Macbeth illustrates monstrous traits though his ambition as he strives to become the king of Scotland. Victor in Shelley’s Frankenstein also displays monstrous behaviors by using science along with his ambition to create his prodigious mammoth. Moreover, Both Lady Macbeth and the three witches imply their satanic traits by influencing Macbeth to become the monstrous king that he is while Victor become influence by both his place in time which is the Romantic Era and by the monster himself. In addition, both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth died as a result of their diabolical actions. This is comparable to the sufferings of Victor and Elizabeth because of the monster’s revenge plans and Victor himself. Thus, in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Shelley’s Frankenstein, monstrosity is apparent throughout the ambitions, influences and outcomes of the main character’s actions. In the play, the main character Macbeth has the ambition to become and remain king. In order to become king, Macbeth needs to kill Duncan who has done absolutely nothing wrong. Duncan is a very noble king. However, Macbeth’s ambition leads him to be more abnormal and it hurts his reputation in the process. â€Å"I’ll go no more. I am afraid to think what I have done; Look on’t again, I dare not† (Shakespeare 2. 2. 53-55). Here, Macbeth intensifies his ambition and drive by trying to become the king of Scotland. Macbeth contemplates the idea that being king, he could do whatever he wants to. The truth is that to attain that position, Macbeth had to murder many innocent people like Duncan. He wants to be king so badly that he never looks back at what he did. By looking back at the situation, Macbeth thinks that it will bring guilt to him. Similarity, Lady Macbeth cold-bloodily expands her ambition to become queen of Scotland. Some of her ambition rubs off on Macbeth. It is she who has the idea to kill Duncan. She goes as far as to call out the spirits. â€Å"That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan under my battlements, come you spirits that tend on moral thoughts, unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe-top full† (Shakespeare 1. 5. 38-41). Here, Lady Macbeth wants to unsex herself. She wants to be more of a powerful, uncaring human by getting rid of her feminine side. It allows her to achieve her ambition. Furthermore, she talks about the crown going from head to toe. Just like her husband, she needs Macbeth to be king so she can be queen. Lady Macbeth is willing to pay any price. Ambition plays a big role in both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s lives as they try to rule Scotland. In Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor and the monster show their ambition during their quest for knowledge. On the night when Victor formulates his creature, he realizes that his ambition has been a failure just by looking at his creation. Moreover, his plans became ruined. He had expectations that kind of came to an unexpected stop. â€Å"How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wrench whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavored to form? His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! Great God† (Shelley 43)! Victor’s ambition has now been a catastrophe. He compares the monster to a wrench because he sees the being as a letdown and a bad accomplishment. His words displays that his feelings are monstrous. By comparing his creature to a wrench, he is being very discriminatory, making him monstrous. He attempts to be recognized by society and from his perspective; it is impossible to achieve that. Like Lady Macbeth, Victor has also unsex himself because while Lady Macbeth gets rid of her feminine side, Victor gets rid of his world view and put aside all of the caring values at home. However, he did not intend to be evil, he did it for the purpose of science. Similar to Victor, the monster has his own ambition. The monster had the ambition to meet new people despite his ugliness. When he introduces himself to the De Laceys, they strike back. â€Å"Agatha fainted, and Safie, unable to attend to her friend, rushed out of the cottage. Felix darted forward, and with supernatural force tore me from his father, to whose knees I clung; in a transport of fury, he dashed me to the ground and struck me violently with a stick† (Shelley 123-124). Here, the monster tries to fulfill his ambition by meeting the De Laceys. He attempts to explain his ambition. However, things turn out wrong for him. Because of the way, Felix discriminates against him and considers him a monster based on his looks. His social drive leads him to being a satanic-appearing creature in the eyes of the De Laceys. That is why Felix hits him with a stick and Safie runs away. They do not believe in him. Likewise, Macduff sees evil in Macbeth, as he does not attend his coloration. He just like Felix thinks that he is a monster. Nonetheless, Macbeth is really evil and has evil ambitions. The monster on the other hand does not. Thus, monstrosity is portrayed in the ambitions of both Victor and the monster throughout their intentions to be accepted in society. Macbeth not only shows monstrosity through his own ambition, he also shows it as a result of other influences. One huge influence on Macbeth is none other than his wife. Although Macbeth had the ambition to become king, he does not have the drive to carry through. This is where Lady Macbeth comes in. She is the one who drives Macbeth into killing Duncan, becoming a temptress in the process. â€Å"We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking-place, And we’ll not fail. When Duncan is asleep, Whereto the rather shall his day’s hard journey soundly invite him, his two chamberlains will I with wine and wassail so convince that memory, the warder of the brain, Shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason a limbeck only† (Shakespeare 1. 7. 59-67). Here it shows that Lady Macbeth takes an enormous role in Macbeth’s ambition. Through her words, Lady Macbeth displays her gruesome traits. She is willing to take the initiative and kill Duncan for Macbeth. Sadly, Macbeth falls for it. The thought of murdering someone is indeed monstrous. The three witches additionally have influence Macbeth in a way that drives Macbeth to become king. When Macbeth first listens to the predictions of the three witches, he is in shock. He later realizes that it can be a reality. The witches are temptresses in Macbeth’s eyes. â€Å"All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis. All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor. All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter† (Shakespeare 1. 3. 46-48). Here, the three witches are predicting the future of Macbeth as they tell him that he will become king one day. This evil influence propels Macbeth to do whatever it takes to become king. They make Macbeth believe that he can be king. This influence kick starts Macbeth’s plans to kill Duncan. Thus, monstrosity is demonstrated as both Lady Macbeth and the witches act like temptresses to Macbeth while he strives to become king. Victor also had some influences that cause him to display some monstrosity. The Romantic Era could be a huge influence on Victor as he thrives to create his creation. His society is described as a revolutionary and rebellious one. As scientists in the Romantic Era make new and new discoveries, it thrusts Victor into creating his own. When the professor reveals that Victor wrong about his theory on why the tree lit up, it causes Victor to revolutionize the world of science. â€Å"As I stood at the door, on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire issue from a old and beautiful oak which stood about twenty yards from our house; and so soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak had disappeared, and nothing remained but a blasted stamp. When we visited it the next morning, we found the tree shattered in a single manner† (Shelley 26). Here, Victor sees a tree being shattered by lightning. A modern philosopher introduces Victor about his ideas on electricity and galvanism and why the tree completely shattered. He proves that all the scientist Victor follows like Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, and Albertus Magnus were wrong. As the science professor proves Victor wrong, it causes Victor to create and do something bigger so that he can top him one day. He has the thirst for knowledge, knowing that in the Romantic Era, anything is possible. This era also poses some supernatural and mystical effects that might cause Victor to create his monster. It foreshadows that Victor would isolate himself from his family in order to modernize the science world. The isolation of Victor proves that his is monstrous. Victor gets hints from the Romantic Era similarly to Macbeth getting hints from Lady Macbeth and the witches. The monster has also influence Victor to becoming more atrocious throughout the back and forth affair with the two. The conflict between Victor and the monster starts to take its course. Victor promises the monster to make him a female companion so that the monster would not feel lonely. Conversely, Victor destroys the monster, thinking that it would take over and corrupt the world. This causes the monster to be angry. Additionally, he tells Victor that he will be there on his wedding night. Victor becomes paranoid to the point where he starts bringing out weapons. â€Å"In the meantime I took every precaution to defend my person in case the fiend should openly attack me. I carried pistols and a dagger constantly about me and was ever on the watch to prevent artifice, and by these means ained a greater degree of tranquility† (Shelley 182). Victor’s one mistake of abandoning the monster at birth has cause the monster to seek revenge by killing William and Justine. Victor sees this and accepts the monster’s request of creating a female companion, but later destroys it. This triggers the creature to strike back at Victor on his wedding night. At his wedding night, he carries around weapons in case the monster shows up. Victor becomes paranoid ever since the monster utters that he will be there on Victor’s wedding night. However at the same time, Victor is scaring Elizabeth with all his weapons. In Elizabeth’s eyes, Victor seems more evil. Victor is being more horrific to Elizabeth even though he is protecting her. Plus, she does not even know that the monster coming; Victor hides this information it from her. This shows that Victor is worried more about the monster (self-protection) than Elizabeth, which makes him monstrous. Thus, Victor displays monstrosity, as he becomes influence by the Romantic Era and the monster. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth both illustrate their monstrous personality, which leads to some key outcomes during their ruling as king and queen. According to the witches, Macbeth gets paranoid that either Banquo or his son Fleance might become the next king. So he calls out three murderers to kill them. He does not have this drive before, but once he is king, he wants to remain king and is willing to do anything. Moreover, he calls murderers to kill the family of Macduff since he poses as a threat to him. â€Å"I have no words, my voice is in my sword, thou bloodier villain than terms can give out to thee† (Shakespeare 5. 8. 6-8). This shows that Macbeth’s immoral actions done on the family of Macduff have made him angry. Macbeth causes his angriness due to what transpired. Macduff calls Macbeth a villain because he is the one who kills Lady Macduff as well as his son. From the looks of it, Macduff really want to get his hands on Macbeth and kill him. Macduff has the quest for revenge and is eager to go the distance. In the end, the outcome is that Macbeth’s actions has cause him to die in the hands of Macduff because of his monstrous traits. Lady Macbeth also dies as a result from her own monstrous actions. Before she commits suicide, she realizes that it is her fault that Banquo died. She is the one who built Macbeth into more of a devilish being, thus making herself monstrous. Wash your hands, put on your night-gown, look not so pale. I tell you yet again, Banquo’s buried; he cannot come out on’s grave† (Shakespeare 5. 1. 54-56). This shows that Lady Macbeth has guilt for what she has done throughout the play. Lady Macbeth just like Victor creates her own monster in Macbeth and now, she suffers the consequences. She cannot even wash away her sins. She feels that it is her fault that Banquo dies. Furthermore, she commits suicide as a result because she can no longer handle he guilt. Lady Macbeth immoral actions have become a weight of guilt on her to the point where she commits suicide. Hence, the deaths of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were as an outcome of their monstrous actions done toward Scotland. Likewise, the conflict between Victor and the monster causes them to be horrific and as a result of their actions, both died which is similar to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Ever since Victor abandons the monster at his house, the monster always wants to seek revenge against Victor. He even kills all of Victor’s family members. He soon realizes that killing all those innocent people was not the right thing to do. â€Å"That is also my Victim! He exclaimed. In his murder my crimes are consummated; the miserable series of my being is wound to its close! Oh Frankenstein! Generous and self-devoted being† (Shelley 209). The monster now has guilt in him. He believes that his monstrous traits would be the main force towards the death of Victor. The monster put Victor through so much as he tries to reach the North Pole. He calls Victor his own victim even though he never really kills him. The monster realizes his corruptive mistakes, but it is too late. This also foreshadows the death of the monster. Like Lady Macbeth, the monster has a weight of guilt on his shoulders. He dies so that he could avoid that guilt. Also, because of Victor killing the female companion of the monster, it sparks the monster so much to the point where he uses monstrous traits to kill Victor’s female companion, the harmless Elizabeth. â€Å"Great God! Why did I not then expire! Why am I here to relate the destruction of the best hope and the purest creature on earth? She was there, lifeless and inanimate, thrown across the bed, her head hanging down and her pale and distorted features half covering by her hair† (Shelly 186). Here, this displays that the monster uses his scandalous individualities to kill Elizabeth. This is comparable to Macbeth as he kills the members of the Macduff family. This is probably because Victor himself demonstrates some monstrosity by killing the monster’s female companion. In a way, it was Victor’s own satanic actions that cause the monster to kill Elizabeth. Also, Victor shows his monstrous traits as he objectifies Elizabeth. Elizabeth is been treated as an object according to Victor. Elizabeth had been objectified her whole existence by Victor. Thus, the monster and Victor proves they have monstrosity and as a result, Victor, Elizabeth, the monster and others die. Therefore, ambition, influential actions, and outcomes are three aspects of the main characters that display monstrosity in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Shelley’s Frankenstein. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have the ambition to become king and queen, but they use monstrous actions like killing Duncan in order to get these positions. In comparison, both Victor and the monster uses monstrosity to achieve their goals on gaining knowledge. Furthermore, temptresses like Lady Macbeth and the three witches have influence Macbeth to be king by using scandalous characteristics of their own. Both the monster and the Romantic Era itself has cause Victor to further pursue his goal of gaining knowledge but in the process, he portrays monstrosity. Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s shameful characteristics has also resulted in the deaths of countless others including themselves. The lurid conflict between Victor and the monster has also cause their deaths, as well as the deaths of the other members in the Frankenstein family. Thus, the monstrosity is recognized in both Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Shelley’s Frankenstein throughout the main protagonists and antagonists.