Thursday, October 31, 2019

Behaviour & Individual Differences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Behaviour & Individual Differences - Essay Example He frequently has trouble turning in homework and loses things such as pencils, books etc. The teachers have spoken to the child but to no avail. When asked why he has not done the homework, he says he has lost the assignment paper. They have also spoken to his parents. The parents also report the same behaviour at the home. The teachers at previous school have also reported the similar behaviour at the school. Since the start of traditional education, the debate has been ranging regarding teaching the students of various sections of the population in one classroom and yet fulfilling the individual range of need of any child. Today, this concern has been expressed and addressed by lot of institutions as well as experienced educational experts around the world. Since, the onset of eighteenth century, the governments are taking lot of interest in the spread of both quantity and quality of the education for all sections of the population. In addition to that, they are also concerned about the education of children with various needs such as children who are affected by ADHD. To this end, they have enacted several laws which were designed to benefit the students (Cialdini, 2007) 3. The Education Act implemented in 1944, organized the education system in three categories as per the requirement of the child such as primary, secondary and tertiary. It also classified the 11 categories handicap. 5. The Warnock report in 1978, the term SEN was mentioned which replaced 11 categories of Handicap. This report also established the 5 stage approach for assessment and recognition. The authorities also considered the SEN in the mainstream education. 6. With Education Act in 1981, the authorities enacted the recommendations from Warnock Report. The recommendations which were enacted were the 5 stage approach, abolishment of handicap categories. It also included the introduction of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Experiments in Art and Technology Essay Example for Free

Experiments in Art and Technology Essay The new interface I will define is one in which the artist makes active use of the inventiveness and skills of an engineer to achieve his purpose. The artist could not complete his intentions without the help of an engineer. The artist incorporates the work of the engineer in the painting or the sculpture or the performance. what a perfect synergy! Introduction ‘Experiments in Art and technology’ (E. A. T. ) is an aged non profit making and tax exempted organization instituted as far back as 1966 by renounced engineers and artists. The engineers included the persons of Billy Kluver and Fred Waldhauer, while the artists, the persons of Robert Rauschenberg and Robert Whitman. Experiments in Art and Technology was pioneered from the experience of a popular work titled – ‘9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering’. The notable event was of the 69th ‘Regiment Armory in new York City, United State of America† (October 1966). About 40 engineers and 10 popular artists symbiotically worked together to put up an engineered and equally artistic performances. With the works of E. A. T. , artists and engineers’ relationships have received huge boost, thereby stimulating the willingness and participation of industries in artistic events. Companies’ cooperation through sponsorship is one of the achievements of E. A. T. There was fast expression of interest in the group over the space of time. Three years after the inauguration of Experiments in Art and Technology, the organization recorded over 4,200 memberships of diversified artists and engineers all around the United States of America, South America, Japan, Canada and every other interested industry all over the world. Through the process towards achieving the aim of E. A. T. , there was a local program within the group named the Technical Services Program. This program enhanced the effective collaboration of artists working hand-in-hand with engineers on a specific assignment/project. This was made possible by a deliberate effort at pinning suitable artists with appropriate engineers for synergic results. The program also assisted the collaborators in reaching out to industries and corporate-business communities in meeting the needs to accomplish outstanding project. Furthermore, E. A. T. commissioned inter-field projects and events which were anchored by artists involving the use of new technological woks. Some of the projects included the earlier mentioned ‘9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering† in 1966’, ‘Some More Beginning in 1968’ – the later happened to mark the start of ‘exhibition of art and technology. The exhibition was held at a museum in Brooklyn. Included in the list of the project was the â€Å"artist-engineer collaborations to design and program the Pepsi Pavilion at Expo 70 in Osaka, Japan. † Picture showing First meeting of E. A. T. in November 1966 The Story of Experiments in Art and Technology When Andy Warhol was trying to create floating light bulbs, he asked Billy Kluver for his kind assistance. Kluver, who was an engineer working at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, rejected the plea but instead promised to offer him a wrapper usually use to wrap sandwiches, the material is silvery. Warhol fashioned the material into a rectangular object called Mylar today. Injecting Helium into this Mylar created a floating funhouse mirrors in 1966. This example of collaboration between artists and scientists was a motivation to forming Experiments in Art and Technology (E. A. T. ). The artist-engineer collaboration in E. A. T. was formalized at the event of â€Å"9 Evenings; Theatre and Engineering†, (Oct. 1966, in New York). The program exposed audience to â€Å"state-of-the-art performances and music† from about 50 artists and engineers. Technology electrified things in an appreciable ways, e. g. â€Å"Dancers tripped light switches by moving their legs past photo-cells, and a tennis game was amplified through microphones in the rackets. The compliment received was overwhelming reflecting the need for engineers in artistic works. E. A. T. was then established in November, and by the early 70s it had already absorbed networks of over 6,000 members. â€Å"Throughout the lifespan of E. A. T. , affiliated groups produced over 500 artworks; most common was the body-oriented performance or supercharged minimalist sculpture. One of the most memorable projects commissioned was the Pepsi Pavilion of Expo 1970 Osaka. There, over 60 artists and engineers contributed to the interactive exhibits inside the futuristic dome† The Pepsi Pavilion at Expo 70 Osaka with Fujiko Nakayas mist shroud Aims and objectives of E. A. T. The non profit making organization was vibrant primarily within the two decades of its institution in 1966 by Billy Kluver, Fred waldhauer, Robert Rauschenberg and Robert Whitman. It was carved out of the need to ‘mobilize the ingredients of arts, industry and science around collective projects, calling the participation from different disciplines. E. A. T. also aimed at encouraging the technical harmony towards the realization of new means of expressing arts using modern technological equipment such as computer-made images, sounds, video, (audiovisual), manufacturing materials and robotics. To start with, ‘Experiments in Art and Technology’ brought artists and engineers together to enlighten the participants in order to accustom them with â€Å"tele-writing and satellite transmission using telecommunication technology†. In addition, E. A. T. aimed at giving the developing countries around an ease of Communication Bridge through certain project assignments. In pursuance of these goals, E. A. T. began opening annexes in the US, Canada and Japan. Other Projects Projects realized at the advent of interdisciplinary included: The Anand Project of 1969, this project aided educational television whereby public spaces were linked together to facilitate interactions irrespective of the distance apart. Through this, different countries all around the world can exchange disturbing questions even about a common uncertainty. For example, â€Å"Anand Dairy Cooperative in Baroda (India); Telex: QA (1971), which linked public spaces in New York (U. S. ), Ahmadabad (India), Tokyo (Japan) and Stockholm (Sweden) by telex† Still among the projects is the ‘Children and Communication in 1972’this particular project piloted the enabling of children within the suburb of New York City, to exchange conversation with telex, telephone and fax machine. Also, in El Salvador is a project to fashion out methods for storing culture and tradition in the region (1973). Collection of E. A. T. ’s Published Documents Detailing the activities of Experiments in Art and Technology in 1980; over 400 documents were stored in archive ranging from information bulletins, exhibition catalogues, periodicals, photocopies of press clippings, proposals, lectures, announcements newsletters reprints of major articles, among others. The archive was deposited at major libraries in New York, Moscow of Russia, Washington in U. S., Paris in France et cetera. The archive was aimed at monument the reflection of E. A. T. ’s wide geographical tentacle with technical and artistic diversity. Technical Service Program (1966-1973) Technical service program (TSP), founded as a subgroup in mid 60s, permits specialist in art and engineering to collaborate with the aim of meeting the artist’s technological needs without interruption in the team projected design and developmental stages. Highly technical projects were accomplished with this partnership. This collaboration was publicized when E. A. T. group came up with EAT News that announced projects at different stages of completion. Still, was the periodic public forum held on upcoming technologies such as ‘lasers and holography. ’ The TSP came to an end in 1973 Technical Information (1966) This program provided consulting services for artists. The service provisions included ‘technical libraries’ for artists in New York and telephone assistance line operated by engineers from E. A. T. offices. The library collection features documented activities of EAT from ‘60s to ‘80s. More on â€Å"9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering† (1966-2005) These were series of events that catapulted performances of artists and engineers working in unison as an E. A. T. group. The performances broke down inter-relationship barrier. It went does: Billy kluver and Robert Rauschenberg requested the working relation of 30-man engineer at Bell Laboratories, seeking their involvement in an inter-disciplinary project where avant-garde theatre, dance and new technologies were blended together. The artists involved were John Cage, Lucinda Childs, Oyvind Fahlstrom, Alex Hay, Deborah Hay, Steve Paxton, Yvonne Rainer, Robert Rauschenberg, David Tudor and Robert Whitman. These artists were paired with engineers to produce technical components on the podium used by the participants. It was indeed a break through adventure in the field of Art and technology. Billy Kluver, farther of ‘Experiments in Art and technology’ Reference http://www. fondation-langlois. org/html/e/page. php? NumPage=306 The Man Who Made a Match of Technology and Art

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) in the Recession

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) in the Recession Abstract In this assignment is presented briefly the world economic recession, the definition of strategic management and is analyzed the role of Strategic Human Resource Management as well as the HRM Policies during the economic crisis. Finally, are proposed some solutions of reducing HRM costs, following the minimizing cost strategy of the companies and presented the potential contribution to the long-term success of a company after the end of the recession. Introduction Every business adopts strategies of acting. The business strategy the that a company adapts and applies is directly linked with its day-by-day changing commercial, economic, technical, ethical and social environment. (Georgopoulos,2006) Until now, businesses were taking in account the factors of a continuously augmenting globalization of the markets and the non-stop pushing from the international competition (Scroggins W., Benson Ph., 2010), the poor ability of the company to protect itself from the increasing menaces from the external environment and technological and administrative opportunities are spread between the society and the business. (Georgopoulos, 2006) World Economic Recession In these factors that bring uncertainty to the company is added the economic recession that burst about two / three years ago. Recession is a phase of business cycle in which there is a significant reduction in economic activity, which is obvious in income, employment, industrial production and sales. As consequence a lot of companies are trying to survive, focused mostly in cost leadership strategy, a strategy that its goal is the minimizing of the costs of production. Strategic Management Strategic Management refers to the most difficult challenge that an organization confronts, on how through the competition for survival and prevalence in the market in the present, will put foundation for a success in the future.(Georgopoulos, 2006) Maximizing Performance is the main goal of all managers, which means the level that the organizations reach their organizational goals with efficiency and effectiveness. This will result the companys success in the long run. (Georgopoulos, 2006) Strategic Human Resource Management and its Role in Present Recession SHRM is a strategic approach of managing one of the most important elements of an organization, its working force. The need of SHRM is more intense in present days, as economies are under recession, businesses have losses and a vast number of people lose their jobs all around the world (Harness T., 2009). The administration of every firm has a cost reduction strategy, searching for potential cost savings and thinking twice of spending its income. The HRM costs are usually significant costs and are usually the first that are reduced in an economic crisis. In situations like this, the HRM has to react quickly, supporting the organization in protecting incoming cash and reducing its operational costs. This is pressing for HRM, as it has to change its focus rapidly, from the pleasant strategies of the economic growth, taken for granted by the employees, to unpopular cost cutting strategies. In this way, HRM contributes to the survival of the business, maximizing its performance if it is possible and to its success after the exit of the recession, having already recruited the most talented employees with the less possible cost, leading the organization to the competitive advantage in the future market (FergusonK., 2009). Unfortunately, for achieving this, HRM adopts unpopular innovations; policies and procedures may be cancelled or postponed; but also this could be helpful for HRM to introduce modern policies of high standard, making the organizations healthier after the recession. Until now, has been observed a trend of the businesses where the majority of companies has fired employees directly after the burst of the crisis and replaced low-performing employees with high performing. Also a big amount of them hire only temporary personnel and augment the size of IT applications. As a result, some of the HRM processes can be strongly affected and some other not to be affected at all. SHRM of Recession and HRM Policies There are policies of HRM that are heavily affected by the recession in the strategy of minimizing the costs, such as planning of workforce, recruitment, training, benefits already given to employees, performance management and appraisal, which have to be minimized immediately. Other practices are less affected, such as job analysis, recruitment, testing, selection, interviewing and development, in which the costs can be more easily reduced . Job Analysis, Planning and Recruitment during the recession In these activities of HRM, the one that has to be almost eliminated is the recruitment. Most of the businesses stop recruitment completely or they reduce it to minimum. This affects the activities of job analysis and planning, as there are no incoming employees. The HR department is really careful of identifying the needs in personnel of the company and designs work positions that cover a larger field of duties and have less specialization. Additionally, they can build a brand name this period, creating job campaigns that will attract talents with the minimum cost. They reschedule simultaneously the planning of the working force of the company and its organizational structure, redirecting the employees in other departments. In this way the costs in money and time from recruitment are almost eliminated instantly (Richbell S., 2010). Testing, Interviewing and Selection during the recession These three activities are not affected so much, as long as there is at least some recruitment, as there are ways to make their costs disappear, mostly through technological tools (Polychroniou P., 2009) that give the opportunity to the companies to test and interview with no cost of transportation, residence of the interviewers, materials etc. On the other hand, always businesses wish to have talented employees, thinking of their performance and success after the end of the recession. In this case, the crisis enables companies of mapping and targetting the really talented employees that maybe they are working for the competitors or are victims of the recession. And all these will cost to the company less than in a growth period (Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2010). Training and Development during the recession Training will follow the pace of the recruitment as it is costly to train the new employees, as long as they exist. It has huge costs in time and money, so the companies prefer already experienced employees, victims of the recession, to avoid these costs. On the contrary, development is really significant during the recession time. This is the HR practice less affected by recession, as can be done with low cost, using IT solutions, and prepares the business for the exit of the economic crisis, maximizing the performance and contributing in the long-term success. The development can be diminished to the key personnel, identify the top performers and concentrate to the really capable of achieving good performance (Malik F., 2009). Performance management, Benefits and Appraisal during recession A company has after the check of performance of its employees to make a quick classification between good and average employees. This will make also the average or bad employees to be pressed to perform. Also, employees with average performance in a department can be redirected to another one, which will give them additional skills as well. Finally, for maximizing their performance the HR department has to listen to the employees, to keep them motivated and be sincere with them about the difficulties of the period, so that they will trust the administration, they will help it to face the appraising problems by feedback and will augment their willingness for higher performance. Additionally, creating a vision and making them part of it, will increase the level of commitment of the employees (Pate J., 2010). From what the business can save a huge amount of money are the bonuses that can be significantly reduced, without touching the base salaries of its employees, as they are really sensitive in this (Armstrong M., 2011). In the same manner, in the appraisal process, the promotions can be re-evaluated and can be done only the needed ones, trying to minimize the salary augmentation and strengthen their development programs(Armstrong M., 2011). SHRM Solutions for Companies during recession In bad economic periods, companies neglect investing in HRM, as they think of these periods suitable for cutting benefits and firing employees. In the contrary, companies should take advantage of these periods, to prepare themselves for the next period of strong economic growth. Innovation leads to competitive advantage Innovation results out of change, which demands an organizational culture willing to accept it. The contribution of HRM in organizational culture, makes it a really important function of the business nowadays. The innovations that HRM can implement in organizational culture of the company are (Benevene P., 2010): collaborate with ecological ways of communication reducing costs; increase the satisfaction of employees making them feeling important, sharing with them the vision of company; introduce the flexible working transforming it from an employee benefit to a cost controlling strategy (Atkinson C., 2011); increase the employee engagement to the performance of the company; attract and keep talented employees(Pate J., 2010). In this way, HRM, through innovative strategies contribute to the exit of a company from the recession, lowering the costs and maximizing business performance. Being focused on organizational culture, through its processes and the help of technology, HRM can offer real benefit to the company. Conclusion In this period of world economic recession, the HRM has to react in a fast and efficient way, as the longer an introducing solution needs, the less is appropriate. A company with HR department reporting, controlling and innovating all its processes, can be leaded in a huge competitive advantage after the crisis comparing to its competitors, improving or maximize the performance of its employees and as a consequence the performance of the organization and thus, considered to have achieved success in the long run (Kats M., 2010).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Flat Tax :: Essays Papers

Flat Tax Let’s Hear it for the Flat Tax Do you think we should abolish the Internal Revenue Service? If you were to ask your family, friends and neighbors, you would get a resounding YES! That was my outcome when I, as an income tax preparer, surveyed my clients as well as my family, friends and neighbors. The comments ran from â€Å"It’s too complex†, â€Å"It’s unfair† to â€Å"They are too powerful†. Not one person was happy with the tax code as it currently stands. That is not to say people do not want to pay their fair share. They just want an easier, fairer way to do it. To prove the complexity of the IRS Code, Money Magazine asked fifty â€Å"tax experts† to figure hypothetical family’s tax liability each year from 1988 through 1992 and published the results in their March issues. The best year’s result was 1990 when only 48 of the responses were incorrect. If a tax expert could not figure the liability properly how can anyone expect the everyday taxpa yer to do it? The solution quite possibly is the Flat Tax. What will the Flat Tax do for us? The current proposed tax rate of 17% for all income will be more fair. It is much simpler; the tax return for an individual and a business will be postcard size both having only ten lines on them. The proposed flat tax eliminates the tax at a personal level for interest, dividends and capital gains as well as allowing businesses to deduct capital assets in the year of purchase. Currently a capital asset is expensed by taking depreciation over the useful life of the item. Many economists believe these features in the flat tax will stimulate economic growth. According to the Bureau of National Affairs Banking Report â€Å"Some 55 percent of the 156 analysts polled by the National Association of Business Economist think the economy would benefit from some type of flat tax†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Compliance is the final benefit of the flat tax. There will be a higher compliance in filing and paying Federal Income Tax. The flat tax removes the three primary excuses for non-compliance: the complexity, low likelihood of being caught and fact that the current system seems to favor special interests "at my expense†. Flat Tax :: Essays Papers Flat Tax Let’s Hear it for the Flat Tax Do you think we should abolish the Internal Revenue Service? If you were to ask your family, friends and neighbors, you would get a resounding YES! That was my outcome when I, as an income tax preparer, surveyed my clients as well as my family, friends and neighbors. The comments ran from â€Å"It’s too complex†, â€Å"It’s unfair† to â€Å"They are too powerful†. Not one person was happy with the tax code as it currently stands. That is not to say people do not want to pay their fair share. They just want an easier, fairer way to do it. To prove the complexity of the IRS Code, Money Magazine asked fifty â€Å"tax experts† to figure hypothetical family’s tax liability each year from 1988 through 1992 and published the results in their March issues. The best year’s result was 1990 when only 48 of the responses were incorrect. If a tax expert could not figure the liability properly how can anyone expect the everyday taxpa yer to do it? The solution quite possibly is the Flat Tax. What will the Flat Tax do for us? The current proposed tax rate of 17% for all income will be more fair. It is much simpler; the tax return for an individual and a business will be postcard size both having only ten lines on them. The proposed flat tax eliminates the tax at a personal level for interest, dividends and capital gains as well as allowing businesses to deduct capital assets in the year of purchase. Currently a capital asset is expensed by taking depreciation over the useful life of the item. Many economists believe these features in the flat tax will stimulate economic growth. According to the Bureau of National Affairs Banking Report â€Å"Some 55 percent of the 156 analysts polled by the National Association of Business Economist think the economy would benefit from some type of flat tax†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Compliance is the final benefit of the flat tax. There will be a higher compliance in filing and paying Federal Income Tax. The flat tax removes the three primary excuses for non-compliance: the complexity, low likelihood of being caught and fact that the current system seems to favor special interests "at my expense†.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Literature and Culture Essay

I. Literature – General Introduction â€Å"Literature is my Utopia. Here I am not disenfranchised. No barrier of the senses shuts me out from the sweet, gracious discourses of my book friends. They talk to me without embarrassment or awkwardness† (Helen Keller) Keller could not have been more correct in this insight about literature, and scarcely would anyone who has had a lifetime with the written word raise any issue about its faultlessness. Man with his complex, often unfathomable and unpredictable thoughts, feelings and actions, and many times restrained by societal norms from openly exposing what he has inside him, considers literature as a socially acceptable vehicle for unrestrained self-expression. Literature is life. It is a mirror of man’s desires and aspirations, his ambitions and accomplishments, his fears and anxiety, his joyful and fulfilling moments. Through it, he records his experiences of triumphs and downfalls, laughter and anguish, determination and indecision—from things phenomenal to matters mundane. It is only through literature that the human mind is able to successfully transcend all material barriers to reveal its essence which constitutes the â€Å"isness† of man’s being. Literature, then, is the totality of humanity. The famous French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre succinctly said it all in the following line: â€Å"If literature is not everything, it’s not worth a single hour of someone’s trouble† (http://www. brainyquote. com/quotes/keyword/literature. html). What is Literature? ? So broad and deep is the extent and scope of literature that putting up a definition for it is almost like limiting its parameters. However, for academic purposes, it will be relevant to explain what the concept encompasses. ? On a general perspective, anything that is written is classified as literature. ? On a stricter sense, however, and across cultures and ages, literature is associated with a poem, or a fiction article, or a stage play, a book or a classroom lesson. ? Literature, as the body of written works of a language, period or culture, and produced by scholars and researchers, reminds us of stories, epics, sacred scriptures and classical works of the ancient and modern times. Literary works are portrayals of the thinking patterns and social norms prevalent in society. Classical literary works serve as a food for thought, imagination and creativity. ? A literary article should interest, entertain, stimulate, broaden the imagination and experience, or ennoble the reader (Roberts 2). It springs as an idea from the need of its creator to get across a thought or feeling. The writer starts from an experience or set of experiences, real or imagined, which he thinks he needs to share with his public. Working on his creative tablet, he recreates the facts to reflect true-to-life happenings, or invents incidents, places, and characters and puts thoughts into the latter’s minds and words in their mouths. Or he may decide to compress an otherwise long factual or imagined story in a few metered or rhythmical lines. The result is an original text that satisfies its creator’s purpose– a literary article, an imaginative literature. ? Kirszner & Mandell explain that the word â€Å"literature† immediately stirs in the mind the concept of â€Å"imaginative literature† (1). Imaginative Literature is one which temporarily transports the reader to a different world, away from the physical and emotional realities of his existence, where he could be free to view the world with his own eyes and heart. Imaginative literature is not confined to print. A substantial number of orally transmitted imaginative literatures have set the traditions in their respective genres and have remained among the most respectable pieces in the literatures of the world. Why should we value literature? Literature that is imaginative can have far-reaching effects on the reader (Kirzner & Mandell 2-3).? The characters, scenes, images, powerful language, and carefully and masterfully developed plot can delight the reader and offer him an ephemeral escape from the stiffness, boredom, even cruelty of the world around him. ? It can transport the reader out of the limits of his time and space, and get him into seeing another possible phase of life. Meaningful insights can be drawn from wholesome literary texts. ? It can bring him to a level where he is able to see his life more objectively, up close and personal. This is because literature reveals truths about humanity. More than a mere description of people and what they do, literature brings the reader to a slice of virtual life in which he (the reader) consciously experiences his humanity. This is an added value of literature. ? It is an avenue for him to view and understand his own experiences and those of others. Reflecting can make him more sensitive to the needs of others and his own. Literature, then, can serve as a value guide as well as a lead to an analysis of values and meanings about the realities in life. ? Imaginative literature is founded on facts—history, pure science, psychology, sociology, anthropology, mathematics, and other branches of knowledge. The information load it carries can be another added value to the reader. Similarly, literature that is imaginative has marked values for the writer (Krizner & Mandell 3). ? It is a creative avenue for self-expression. A writer can unravel the ill-effects of cultural patterns and norms, and can suggest ways to remedy a stinking system through the characters of his short story, novel, or play, or the persona in poetry. Also, he reveals his individuality and uniqueness as a writer in the way he manipulates the elements of his genre—character, setting, language, format, and style. ? It is an expression of common cultural values. A writer has his own mind about a problem or issue, but that â€Å"thought† is molded by the collective sentiment, aspiration, philosophy, value, even fears of the community or cultural group he belongs to. Literature provides opportunities for the transport of these ethnic or cultural thoughts, feelings, and biases to peoples across cultural borders. It is in this way that literature can stand as the conscience and consciousness of the community which created it. Literary Genres and Culture Traditions in literature include classifying works into literary types or genres. Genre classification can have several advantages (web. nchu. edu. tw/~chtung/1986. doc. 2-6). ? It can bring about an order or a system in the handling of literary texts and, in effect, facilitates choice of materials akin to one’s interests, which can result in greater understanding and appreciation. For example, a reader who has an ear for musicality and rhythm will pick up a poetic text more likely than he would a book of fiction. ? It has resulted in the writing of standards for each genre. With the aid of these writing standards, literary creators are able to craft their works more systematically. Thoughtfully going over the standards for a drama will aptly arm a novice writer to focus on what the audience will look for in a play. Conversely, a critic who is familiar with genre standards will know exactly what to look for in a literary work.? The existence of genre classification is one avenue that can lead to the meeting of minds between the reader and the writer. When the brain has identified beforehand what it is looking for in a text (schemata-text matching through knowledge of specific genre), comprehension of the text will be less stressful, less threatening and more enjoyable. Culture-based Literary Traditions 1. Genre Classifications. The presence of traditional and universally recognized genres does not dictate the uniformity of genre classifications and the standards for each genre. Not all genre classifications are present in all places, and not all places observe the same standards for each classification. Every culture has its own genre, owing to the variations in the experiences and aspirations of the people in each culture. For example ? The sonnet which is common in western traditions is not well known in China or among the Arab nations ( Kirszner & Mandell 2). ?The kabuki play of Japan has as yet no counterpart in western countries (Kirszner & Mandell 2). ? We still have to see a counterpart of the Filipino pasyon in other literary traditions. 2. Narrative organization conventions. The standards on the presentation of events in a plot can vary from culture to culture specifically with orally transmitted literature (Kirszner & Mandell 2). For example: ? Some native American and African stories dating to the early stage of cultural development are arranged spatially, not chronologically as is the tradition in almost all cultures. All incidents that took place in one setting are narrated, then the narration moves to focus on all the incidents in another setting, and so on until all the events are completely retold. Even character development is not given as much focus in some traditional African and Native American stories as it is in present-day fiction (Kirszner & Mandell 3). 3. Character development. Present-day fiction puts much emphasis on the identity and the development of character. This is not so in some traditional African and Native American stories. Kirszner & Mandell state that in some of these narratives, characters are sometimes not named and can even switch roles towards the end of the story (3). Genre Classifications and Time Earlier literary works were grouped more generally than those in the present. Contemporary literature is lumped into four big groups—prose fiction, poetry, nonfiction prose, and drama (Roberts 3) while earlier traditions recognized three groups– fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The drama in its traditional form used verse, which explains why it was categorized as poetry. Although not markedly divergent from the present literary groupings, the â€Å"old† genre classification reflects those which societies then considered to be what mattered most. The Genres of Literature Critics could not seem to agree on one best way literary writings should be grouped; however, most authorities name four categories for classifying literature (Roberts 3). 1. Narrative fiction or prose fiction. This is the literary type which first comes to mind when the word fiction is mentioned. Narration, or retelling past events, is what makes fiction what it is. ? Narrative fiction gives an account of a series of events, factual or imagined but mostly imagined.? One character, the protagonist, or a few characters is/are at the center of these  events, causing them to happen and or causing him to be transformed. ? He is confronted with a problem, the solution of which is his primary concern, and the action he takes towards its resolution is the reason for his transformation. He may or may not overcome the problem. ? Some events in fictional narratives are drawn from historical incidents but fictionalized through change of names, places, and time, and a slight tweak in the plot. ? Through narrative fiction, the author is able to express his thoughts about a problem or issue, and/or is able to entertain. Classifications of Narrative Fiction a. Myth. This prose fiction, which punctuates the literary beginnings of practically every cultural group, is a story centered on how the gods related to humans—how certain places, beings, and places came to be, how the gods’ biases made some people’s lives fulfilling and rendered others’ lives miserable, how conflicts among the mortals affected the gods or vice versa. Myths can also be about struggles among cultural heroes, each one representing the time-established beliefs of a particular cultural group. b. Parable. This is a short narrative about some ordinary experiences of a group of people and is meant to connect to the teaching of a certain moral, or the hammering home of a philosophical, social, religious, or political teaching. The Jewish tradition best exemplifies the use of parables. c. Romance. This refers to lengthy Spanish and French stories of the 16th and 17th centuries, especially about the adventures and ordeals of the royalty and the members of their court. It can also refer to modern formulaic stories describing the growth of an impulsive, profound and powerful love relationship. d. Short story. Owing to its comparative brevity, this is the most popular type of narrative fiction. The plot may revolve around one or two main characters facing a difficulty. There are high as well as low points in their lives but, almost always, each one’s life will not go back to exactly the same point where it began. Because of the little space dictated by the shortened form of the text, interactions and relationships resulting in changes in character, no matter how subtle, are described briefly. e. Novel. This is a short story in extended form. Length being its advantage over the short story, the novel permits the full and sometimes exhaustive development of the interactions that lead to changes in some characters’ disposition, thoughts, feelings, or aspirations (Roberts 5). 2. Poetry. A poem is a literary form that â€Å"expresses a monologue or a conversation grounded on the most deeply felt experiences of human beings† (Kirszner & Mandell 522). ? It is acclaimed as the oldest and the most popular among the literary forms. ? It is the most variable in length, running from a few syllables, as in the Japanese haiku, to hundreds of stanzas, as in the epic.? The language is compressed in a few lines or verses arranged in conformity with the principles of form, rhythm, and sometimes meter and rhyme. ? It has a rich imagery and suggestive forms of expression, making it the most puzzling and, therefore, the most open to multiple interpretations. These qualities make poetry â€Å"unique† (Roberts 5). ? Among earlier cultures, for example, Greek and Roman, poetry served as a vehicle for the expression of the spiritual and the philosophical. With the passing of time, poetry has gained an added value—that of expressing the most profound ideas and the deepest emotions of humanity. Across the cultures of the present, poetry remains to inspire, to delight, and to serve as a vehicle for the concerns of the heart (Kirszner & Mandell 522). Classifications of Poetry f. Narrative poetry. This is a story in verse, of which there are two familiar forms: i. Epic. Apparently the more familiar of the two, an epic is a narrative account in verse of the accomplishments of a heroic figure, a folk hero who exhibits extraordinary physical powers and superhuman dispositions, of gods, and other supernatural entities. The account covers a wide expanse of time and place, and reflects the cultural characteristics of the people who wrote it. Although some epics are credited to particular authors, others are ascribed to their countries or cultures of origin. This is because epics of old were handed down orally, in plain verse or in song, and, as a result, grew and developed as they passed from one generation to the next, eventually mirroring the evolution of the people’s traditions and norms. Of worldwide renown are The Iliad of Homer, The Aeneid of Virgil, Beowulf of the Anglo-Saxons, and Mahabharata of the Hindus. ii. Ballad. Like the epic, the ballad traces its origin to oral tradition. Originally intended to be sung, this narrative poem carries one outstanding characteristic–its use of repetition of words and phrases, including a refrain. g. Lyric Poetry. This poem does not attempt to tell a story. Possessing a very personal and subjective nature, it conveys the speaker’s feelings, biases and aspirations, state of mind, and perceptions in a melodious mood. Lyric poetry sub-types include the following (Kirzsner & Mandell 525-526): iii. Ode. This is a long lyric poem which is, generally, on a serious subject, such as an important concept (for example, freedom), person, or any other entity in nature (for example, the sun) and with a formal poetic diction and meditative mood. The poem centers on the speaker’s observations about the subject and usually winds up with an effort towards shedding light on an emotional problem. Owing to its Greek origin, it is often intended to be recited or sung by two choruses. iv. Elegy. This lyric sub-type is meant to mourn the passing of a specific person. As such, it is characterized by a melancholy and plaintive mood and an ending that offers consolation. It may also reflect what the author considers to be mysterious, uncertain, or strange. v. Pastoral. In contrast to the elegy, the pastoral has a light, happy, even romantic mood as it celebrates the simplicity and idyll of country life. vi. Occasional poem. This poem is meant for a particular event, for example, a wedding, the installation of a prominent church leader, the putting up of a landmark, or a president’s inaugural. vii. Poems on everyday activities. Poems are sometimes written to express the writer’s feelings or describe his experiences about day-to-day events, for example, going about the daily chores, herding the animals back to their corral, or riding the trolley. viii. Aubade. This poetic form is specifically written to celebrate or lament the coming of a new day, specifically the arrival of morning. Dawn is often welcomed with joy and hope, but it can also bring despair to a persona who sees it as a signal to leave his lover. ix. Meditation. An ordinary object can be used as a vehicle to consider important, more serious issues. A poem that is focused on this is called meditation. Kriszner and Mandell cite Edmund Waller’s Go, Lovely Rose as an example (526) in which the speaker tells the rose meant to be delivered to his lady love his message for the lady. Far more important than his words of adoration is his advice for the lady not to waste the charm and time bestowed upon her since time flies and beauty fades in no time. x. Dramatic monologue. In this poem, the speaker addresses one or more listeners who is/are absent. In the process, the speaker unravels the dramatic aspect of the situation and reveals his psychological and emotional side of the issue at hand, which is usually less interesting than how he (the speaker) treats it. Some authors use the term dramatic lyric. xi. Some authors classify the epigram, a verse in two to four lines with characteristic wit and sarcasm, under lyric poetry Cited as a classic example is Alexander Pope’s On the Collar of a Dog (voices. yahoo. com) which runs in two lines. In most cases, however, an epigram is not a stand-alone piece but forms part of a longer poetic composition. xii. Other cultures have their own types of lyric poems, e. g. , ghazal in Urdu, and rondeau in French. h. Satirical Poetry. As far back as the days of the Roman empire, poetry was already used as a powerful vehicle for political purposes. This tradition continues to these days. Many who are disgruntled with any system or structure choose to amplify their bitterness and discontent artistically through carefully crafted satirical poems. Poetry can have several forms. i. Sonnet. It comes in 14 lines arranged in three quatrains and a couplet [Shakespearean or English] or an octave and a sestet [Petrarchan or Italian]. The iambic pentameter is generally used in sonnets. ii. Cinquian. It has five short lines with the following pattern: line 1 – one word or 2 syllables; line 2 – 2 words or 4 syllables; 3 words or 6 syllables; 4 words or 8 syllables; 1 word or 2 syllables. iii. Haiku. This is a verse of Japanese origin consisting of three unrhymed lines of 5 – 7 – 5 morae (quantity of time equivalent to a short syllable). A traditional haiku carries a word pertaining to the seasons and a cutting word, called kireji, used at the end of one of the three lines. Incidentally, there is no English equivalent of the cutting word concept (www. poemofquotes. com/haiku). iv. Tanka. Like the haiku, tanka is a Japanese verse but consists of five lines. The first and third lines carry five syllables each while the rest of the lines have seven syllables each. v. Concrete poem. This poem uses typography—the appearance of the printed text—to enhance its message. Thus, visual elements such as punctuation marks, symbols, and arrangement of words on the printed page, or the shape of the poem, are elemental in driving home the writer’s message. A poem about the magical sounds of a bell is shaped like a flower, while one that has nature as subject may take the shape of a tree or a bird. Visual poems, pattern poems, and size poems are examples of concrete poems (www. poemsofquotes. com/articles/concrete-poetry. php). vi. Blank verse. This type of verse uses unrhymed iambic pentameter. vii. Free verse. Unlike the blank verse, this type of verse may be rhymed or unrhymed but does not observe a fixed meter. 3. Drama. This literary genre is meant to be presented on stage. Actors portray the events in the story as though these were happening in the  present. Like narrative fiction, there is a problem around which all action revolves. At the center maybe a single character or a small number of characters who carry the burden of resolving the conflict and on whose actions and thoughts the attention of the audience is largely focused. The protagonist may overcome the problem or may be overcome by it. Unlike in a narrative fiction, the audience in a drama are able to actually witness the fictional events as they happen, making the experience direct and closer to life than in narrative fiction. i. Tragedy. Often associated with the bizarre and the disastrous, and in keeping with Greek tradition, this type of drama is focused on â€Å"treating serious subjects and involving persons of significance† (Kirszner & Mandell 917, citing Aristotle’s Poetics). ? At the center of the drama is a character, the protagonist, who is noble, respected, perfect from almost all angles, except for one flaw which is not obvious at the start but which will later manifest to a very crucial point that will suffice to cause his downfall. ? A very important lesson is conveyed here—man’s condition in life is one of  nobility. ? The purpose of the play is to bring the audience to an experience of pity for the central character as he wrestles with the trials in his life and with experiences of fear of going through the same situation. ? The audience is expected to leave the theater with the resolution to not follow the tragic path which the central character of the play took. j. Comedy. This type of drama sits on the other end of the spectrum. It is designed to â€Å"treat themes and characters with humor and typically has a happy ending† (Kirszner & Mandell 917). ? The main character is an ordinary individual whose life is open to the public, and whom the public knows to be carrying a mask of his true self all along. ? The comedy is meant to take away that mask from the protagonist and to reveal to the audience his simplicity and foolishness, his lack of understanding of things, his being â€Å"selfish, hypocritical, vain, weak, irrational, and capability for self-delusion† (Kirszner & Mandell 917). ? Ironically, it is the comedy that brings entertainment and laughter to the audience who, unknowingly, is the subject of criticism of the action in the  play. k. Farce. This is a humorous play. But unlike the comedy, the plot does not depend on the development of a character but on a situation that is exploited ingeniously. The term can speak for itself. 4. Nonfiction Prose. Any literary form not falling under any of the categories just mentioned is classified as nonfiction prose. This group consists of a wide array of fact-based and fact-oriented written materials presenting judgments and opinions and which are created mainly as sources of information. News reports, feature articles, essays, editorials, textbooks, and biographical and historical works fall under this category. Recently, there has been a marked increase in the interest for biographical and historical works, a good number of which have become bestsellers. Many schools have shifted to biographical and historical novels for required student readings. REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. The statements that follow are supported by the foregoing discussions except one. Find that sentence. l. Literature is a potent vehicle to convey a personal longing. m. The most extreme of human experiences are the only ones considered as worthy literary materials. n. Man’s freedom of self-expression can be best exemplified by the almost limitless breadth of possibilities in literature. o. Reading a literary text is experiencing the writer’s unspoken regret or praise. 2. Find the sentence which is not supported by the foregoing discussions. a. Defining literature is not always necessary. b. Imaginative literature can be a rich source of lessons about living life. c. A well written literary text can cause a change in a person’s disposition. d. Written literature has always been the better tradition. 3. Which of the following statements best paraphrases the opening quote? a. Literature is the source of Helen Keller’s highest point of contentment. b. Keller and her friends read literature a lot and find much meaning from it. c. Being blind and deaf, Keller finds literature reading as the best pastime. d. Keller’s friends love to hear her share with them what she has read and what she thinks about them. 4. Imaginative literature differs from other literary forms in the following ways except one. e.Imaginative literature builds on a writer’s personal experience and shares it factually with the reader. f. Mundane and extraordinary human experiences are vividly recreated and accented with some of the writer’s imaginative thoughts. g. Imaginative literature is everything that transports the reader to a different world, stimulates his creative mind, and appeals to his sense of values. h. Man’s most profound thoughts and feelings are expressed in symbols and images. 5. Which three (3) statements are not supported by the discussions on the value of literature? i. Every literary text has its own place in the arena of values.j. Longer texts, such as the novel and the drama, have a more profound reader-impact than shorter ones, such as proverbs and haikus. k. One of the added values of literature is that it requires interpretation and analysis of meaning. l. Literature has to be historical for it to be prized. m. A song expressing a prisoner’s longing for immediate freedom is an ethnicity-inspired literary piece. 6. C. S. Lewis is quoted to have said: â€Å"Literature enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the desert that our lives have already become. † This quote supports the idea that: n. Basically, literature is based on world knowledge. o. Literature brings entertainment to its audience. p. Available in every literary text are several insights about meaningful living. q. Literature enables the reader to grasp the meaning of his experiences and those of the people around him. 7. Which of the following statements is not true about poetry? r. It dates back to the earliest years of man’s literary experience. s. It is strictly metered, rhymed, and rhythmical. t. It can capture the most profound and the most ordinary human experience in a few words. u. The poet’s message is cloaked in rich symbols and other forms of evocative expressions. 8. Although sometimes classified as poetry, romance is proprietarily a type of narrative fiction _____: v. owing to its length. w. because it is basically intended to give an account of past incidents in story format. x. since it is situated at a definite past time and space. y. because it is about adventure. 9. The following is an English translation of a Bilaan poem attributed to pre-colonial times. [Bilaan is a tribal group of southern Mindanao, which is the second biggest island in the Philippines and is situated in the southernmost part of the archipelago. The early people were renowned hunters and food gatherers (blog. travelpod. com/travel-blog-entries/aliawan/1/1262268183/tpod. html)]. The language of the people is also called Bilaan. ) Read the poem carefully to be able to answer the question below. LAMGE What can we do? Oh, what can we do? This is our work, this we should do. Oh my, how, oh how is this to go on? Continue, then come back when you reach the top. â€Å"’Tis not there! ‘Tis not here! † they said. We’ll try till we can make it. It’s not here, according to them, but don’t relax Don’t be surprised. They’re still far. Let’s hurry! (Lumbera & Lumbera 11) What sub-type of poetry is Lamge? a. a poem on everyday activities. b. occasional poem. c. pastoral d. meditation 10. Which of the following work values were prized by the early Bilaans as evidenced by the poem LAMGE? z. creativity and leisure {. individual recognition and prestige |. collaboration and achievement }. autonomy and compensation 11. Study the following excerpts then identify that which is not taken from imaginative literature. ~. â€Å"EDSA’ (the name of the highway in Metro Manila that runs north to south from Caloocan to Baclaran) has become the popular designation of the revolt which began as a military mutiny on February 21 [1986] and developed into a popular uprising in Manila that culminated in the flight of the dictator and his family to Hawaii, U. S. A. on February 24, 1986. The revolt established the presidency of Corazon Aquino which was marked by the â€Å"restoration† of pre-Martial Law society† (Lumbera & Lumbera 364). . â€Å"It was raining the morning of the execution. I remember how brackish and crimson was the sky. God has sliced open the sun, spilling its innards, carving out its heart. That sun had never seemed the same to me ever since. The cold air scraped the insides of my lungs and chilled my nape. It was the first dawn I had awakened to. The first time to witness the pained violent birthing of light† (Lumbera & Lumbera 377). . â€Å"And so we talk/ our words trying to capture/pain caroming/like the balls of ivory/ Our voices rise/and fall/ as we sit in a circle/ racing our other lives/ the beginnings/ of love/ rich and red/ as the felt on the board† (Lumbera & Lumbera 422).   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Matumal ang pasada nang buong umagang iyon at naipasiya kong igarahe muna sa bahay and minamanehong taksi kesa magsayang ng gasolina. Pababa na ako nang sa paglingon ko’y nasulyapan ko ang clutch bag na iyon sa may paanan ng likurang-upuan. Kinabahan ako at patawarin ako ng mga anak kong gusto kong lumaking matitino, lumabo sabi nga ang tingin ko sa tama’t mali, sa masama’t mabuti. Paano kung limpak-limpak na pera ang laman ng clutch bag? Kung bara-barang ginto o alahas kaya? Isosoli ko pa ba? Managot kaya ako kung saka-sakali? † (Lumbera & Lumbera 422). (The trips were far between the whole morning and I decided to  temporarily drive home the cab rather than [keep going through the streets and] waste gas. I was about to get down when in a glance I noticed that clutch bag at the foot of the backseat. I began to feel restless and my children whom I wanted to grow responsible [may they] forgive me, my sense of right and wrong, good and bad, blurred. What if the clutch bag contained stacks of money? What if it had bars of gold, or jewelry? Will I return it? Will I answer for my action just in case? ) 12. Choose the excerpt that is taken from imaginative literature. . â€Å"Home making is really border making: it is about deciding who is in as well as who is out. I began this project on Filipino Americans in San Diego at the border—the U. S. -Mexico border. Since the mid-1970s, the militarization of the U. S. -Mexico border region has intensified. From San Diego to the Rio Grande Valley, armed U. S. federal agents patrol key border points to block ‘illegal’ crossers—to keep ‘them’ from invading ‘our’ homes. Since 1994, ‘Operation Gatekeeper,’ a high-profile blockade-style operation, has turned the San Diego-Tijuana border region into a war zone, pushing immigrants to attempt more treacherous crossings in the forbidding mountains and deserts east of San Diego† (Espiritu 205-206). â€Å"In the annals of human adversity, there is etched a cancer, of a breed so malignant that the least contact exacerbates it and stirs in it the sharpest of pains. And thus, many times amidst modern cultures I have wanted to evoke you, sometimes for memories of you to keep me company, other times, to compare you with other nations—many times your beloved image appears to me afflicted with a social cancer of similar malignancy† (Rizal, Dedication of Noli Me Tangere).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Things we Carry essay

My thing carried is a cellophane. It's convenient, awesome, and Just great to have around. It represents everyone's social status. Keeping up with friends is also ten times easier. I carry it with me always to keep in contact with everyone I know. My phone also serves as a multi-purpose fun machine. I get to play silly games when I'm bored, watch movies I put on my phone. Fight Club, mostly. Every night I make sure to charge my phone. A day without my phone Is worse than It should be, but most people depend on their phone. So It doesn't bother me. A person's phone In a small way defines a person.I have seen a ton of different phones In my day. If you see someone with a 2005 cherry red flip phone, you're never going to assume they could be a CEO of a major company. He would have a Blackberry, and every girl in high school that wears jug boots Instantly has an Phone from the last 2 generations, minimum. It represents your class and how social you are. A perfect fit for high school. Kid s definitely judge you on your phone to a certain extent, if it's â€Å"cool† or â€Å"in†. No one will actually say something or bully someone based on a phone but the intense judging is still very present.I feel like it would really fun if no one had cell phones. People would actually have to talk to other people to accomplish things. Everyone would feel more social, alive, and joyful. Of course, this dream will never happen so as long as cellophanes are still in every single persons pocket. I will continue to keep my cell phone on me at all times if for no other reason than to keep in touch with everyone, because everyone else loves phones. Phones are definitely not all bad, they are really amazing to have on you. It Just doesn't seem worth it to miss out on the social parts of high school.This opinion doesn't seem to e too common among most high-choler's. Its only because they don't understand how fun it would be to actually go on adventures with friends and be foc used on what you're doing at all times. No side testing or checking Faceable. Friendships would be created faster. People would actually get to know each other. It's a tiny bit sad actually, so many people use so many phones every day, that not having a phone Is pretty much socially unacceptable, and to not have a phone In high school Is to be cut off from all news and gossip. People almost always Just get the phone their friends have. It's a class thing.We do this, we sit here, we dress this way, and we use this phone. Phones will never stop though, next Its Google Glass, then Its self-driving cars, before anyone knows It everyone Is the chairs from WALLET on a giant spaceship. Don't worry too badly though, that's a long way away. Also, It doesn't even seem Like that bad of a way to go. My thing carried is a cellophane, it's great to have. Comes with a few small drawbacks but as long as everyone else carries a cell phone every day, I don't really mind also using my cellophane to be able to contact anyone at any time. Cellophanes you when bored. Cellophanes are amazing, Just not perfect.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Social Problems Essay Example

Social Problems Essay Example Social Problems Essay Social Problems Essay There are many social problems that teenagers go threw. Drugs and Teenagers Drug use is the increasing problem among teenagers in today’s high schools. Most drug use begins in the preteen and teenage years, these years most crucial in the maturation process. During these years adolescents are faced with difficult tasks of discovering their self identity, clarifying their sexual roles, assenting independence, learning to cope with authority and searching for goals that would give their lives meaning. Drugs are readily, adolescents are curious and venerable, and there is peer pressure to experiment, and there us a temptation to escape from conflicts. The use of drugs by teenagers is the result of a combination of factors such as peer pressure, curiosity, and availability. Drugs addiction among adolescents in turn leads to depression and suicide. One of the most important reasons of teenage drug usage is peer pressure. Peer pressure represents social influences that effect adolescents, it can have a positive or a negative effect, depending on person’s social group and one can follow one path of the other. We are greatly influenced by the people around us. Another teenagers social problem is unwanted pregnancy at the age of sixteen or seventeen. There should be held classes in every school, about sexual encounters. Improving communication about sexuality to children might change some of the formed ideas that kids have. Besides the fact that girls can end up pregnant if they don`t use protection, there is also the possibility of taking sexually transmitted diseases. Most of the parents don`t explain to their children what is the deal with sex because they just assume that they already know. Because there are so many movies teenagers can form an idea. Well it`s best to talk to your child like from a friend to a friend. Also , teenagers can become friends with all the wrong people. Most of them want to be liked so much that they hang out with more bigger kids that steal, go in clubs, drink and crash parties. Because this is the period when teenagers are very easy to convince they start doing the same things. After this period of rebellion ends, things will settle down. Social problems Essay Example Social problems Essay Social problems Essay One out of every six American women has been the victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. Rape is a crime that must be shot from extending its tentacles of agony to innocent women. Rape and suicide have recently become two almost inseparable partners which have constituted serious concern to social analysts and commentators on the violence against women. It is pathetic to know that human beings can become so callous that they would expose others to the sufferings that characterize the after-effects of rape and suicide. This callosity has consistently created a great deal of trauma for the victims of such violent acts; their lives never remain the same and they forever carry the deep-hurts against culprits and usually detached from the rest of the world. All individuals, organizations and all governments must rise up to this crisis, and fight it until culprits are prosecuted and others deterred from such crime.SOCIAL HISTORY OF RAPE AND SUICIDEIn a society that is undergoing character deterioration, what do you except? In a nation that has enormous emphasis on freedom, license and personal ‘liberty’ rights, what is next? Incidences of suicide and rape are rather increasing as a result of the generalized deterioration of values in the society. The advent of moral relativism has opened an avenue for all kinds of immorality and violence in our society; these things are raising more concerns for the general public.This is even now even traceable to similar crimes in secondary and high schools. Besides, there have also been reports that such depict a state of the society with respect to sexual promiscuity that is prevalent, the rising awareness and interest in almost or even naked ‘adamic’ dressing styles prevalent nowadays. Of note also are the activities of cult groups that encourage their members to engage in such unholy acts in order to climb higher the order of significance. Such groups also make it a duty to engage in other crimes as ways of patriotism to the Leader and as acts of ‘manhood’. What makes matters is that such groups are sponsored by highly placed personalities, who may also be involved in the eradication of the crime from the society.INCIDENCES OF RAPE AND SUICIDE AND THE MEDIARape has been a confidential issue, and as such only few cases and identities of victims are portrayed unless the victims I bold enough to accept the invitation of publicity. Many have only become aware by news, police reports and most importantly by entertainment media like movies and songs. The movie industry has done quite well in portraying the crime of rape and the aftermath of some as suicide, in real lights.New cases emerge everyday; about three rape cases take place every minute. Some of these cases are reported but most are not, because of the societal stigmatization associated with that. Really, the figures are quite alarming, and show that something has to be done about this unjust v iolence about the innocent gentle female folks. The issue of rape with associated suicide seems however to be on s steady state, as only few victims eventually get to release their emotions to the angry fingers of painful suicidal death. However, rape, in form of physical assault, forceful sexual intercourse, is not restricted to the female as some have also been reported males as well as children. Similarly, there have also been cases of rape in marriages.‘In women, one out of every six American women has been the victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. A total of 17.7 million women have been victims of these crimes. In 2003, nine out of every ten rape victims were female. While about 80% of all victims are white, minorities are somewhat more likely to be attacked. In men, about three percent of American men - a total of 2.78 million men - have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. In 2003, one in every ten rape victims was male. In children, 15% of victims are under age12, 29% are age 12-17, 44% are under age 18 and 80% are under age 30’, this statistics reported by Prevalence, Incidence and Consequences of Violence Against Women Survey of the National Institute of Justice and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1998 and 2003 National Crime Victimization Survey confirm the trend of rape in the country.THE SOCIETY: RAPE AND SUICIDEThe case of violence and crime such as rape has a bad impact on the society. It is important to note that the aftermath of rape on their victims is terrible; these victims go through stages similar to grief over loss of a loved one, and are usually perpetually depressed. In cases where such victims do not find substantial support around them, their level of depression ameliorates and eventually gives in to the roaring lion called death by means of suicide. Experiences and accounts of victims show that it is difficult to overcome the trauma of rape.Worse still is the stigmatization that is attached to rape victims, just like AIDS patients; this rarely complicates the issue and worsens the matter. The character of such people is fast eroded; they begin to see themselves as of no use to the society. If they do not resort into suicide, they engage in other anti-social acts inimical to peace of others; just because they see themselves as cheated by lives. The Police increase the burning temperature of agonizing flame by some of their actions; they report the inability to locate such culprits.   Their investigation bureau has really not been forthcoming in this regard.The society needs top sensitized about this crime, and preventive measures taken to correct. Some of these would include lighting of dark zones, maximum security at night clubs, cinemas, game centers and large public parties, and even schools. These places have formed the ‘cave’ where the evil is conformably performed.   The Police are really doing enough to combat thi s crime with their complacence; judicial actions are quite satisfactory but there is still need to be more effective and speedy prosecution without bias to power would be beneficial.CONCLUSIONRape is a crime; it can be lead to a terminal disorder, suicide if care is not taken. Therefore, all hand must be on deck to eradicate it , or at best reduce the trend.REFERENCESPrevalence, Incidence and Consequences of Violence against Women Survey, National Institute of Justice and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1998.2003 National Crime Victimization SurveyRape and suicide. Accessed from Daniel, Mother’s Story of Rape. Accessed from

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Path to Forgiveness Student Loans Professor Ramos Blog

A Path to Forgiveness Student Loans When I was younger I met a guy that was about 4 years older then me, his name was Johnathan. We called him Jonny for short. Jonny worked with me at a â€Å"dead end† job, I eventually befriended him and learned his story. Here is his story. Jonny came from a middle-class family in Redlands. He attended Cal State San Bernardino, where he had to get many student loans in order to attend classes every semester and get his degree. He graduated with a bachelor’s in English and $55,000 in debt. Jonny was a very smart guy, but he just could not find a job that would pay him more then the $14.00 an hour he was making now. So eventually his 6-month grace period ended, and he had to start paying his student loans back, soon he started to fall behind on his other financial responsibilities because he had to pay his student loans. He had to move back in with his parents, almost lost his car and in the end his credit score was hit very hard. This was 3 years before I met Jonny. Now at this point Jonny has given up with trying to get a good job and has become as alcoholic due to financial stress which led to depression. Is there really what we want the bright minds of our society to fall into if they can’t afford to pay back student loans? If we forgive student loans, real life tragedies like Jonny would never happen. Student loans are a blessing for many people who would not be able to afford to go to college. They provide financial backing for these people to go to college without having to constantly stress on the thought â€Å"will I have enough money to register for classes next semester?† Student loans come in two forms subsidized and unsubsidized. The former does not accrue interest while the student is attending school. The later does accrue intertest while the student is in school. â€Å"The average student loan debt after graduation is $37,000.† (Gang 4) Imagine yourself just graduating college, what a joyous day! Now you start to think â€Å"I have a degree but roughly $37,000.00 in debt I have to pay back.† I know what you’re thinking $37,000.00 doesn’t sound so bad, but don’t forget the interest which is anywhere from 1-20% on the original amount borrowed. So back to imagining yourself after you graduated, wouldn’t it be nice to only ha ve to pay back some or even none of your student loan? Well, there is, and these programs are known as student loan forgiveness programs to help you with getting rid of your student loans. So, let me show you why we should forgive student loans. As a society we all benefit from people going to college and getting degrees, education helps us move society into the future. Most people do not want to be in debt and student loan debt â€Å"is now the second largest debt balance after mortgage indebtedness.† (McCarthy 1) Overtime people have come up with â€Å"forgiveness programs† for student loans. There are multiple types of programs available. Most of them do not completely pay off your student loans but can cut them down drastically. These programs are a huge incentive for people who want to go to college but must rely on student loans. Let’s talk about the effect of debt, and not just the obvious that you owe money that you sometimes can not pay. Debt has many psychological effects on people. The effects include but are not limited to â€Å"depression and high stress levels† (Chou) These psychological effects can majorly impact college graduates, especially newly grads. Imagine trying to find a job while being stressed out about being many thousands of dollars in debt. It will distract you from being able to completely focus. Now imagine that your going to become a teacher, public servant, doctor or joining the military. If you are going into one of these fields, you can get most of your student loan dismissed. Most of these programs do however require you to work for a minimum amount of time or a make a minimum amount of payments. President Trump has already made changes to student loans and their forgiveness programs. Most of these changes are very beneficially for students, Trump feels that the government should not profit from student loans but does not completely agree with student loan forgiveness. Previously if a portion or all your student loan was â€Å"forgiven† then it would be considered taxable income. For example, when you went to go do your taxes if you made $60,000 from your job and you had $40,000 in student loan forgiven your taxable income would be $100,000. This could leave people with tax debt, what is the point of losing your student loan debt, just to gain tax debt? In the passed bill H.R-1 it states â€Å"(Sec. 11031) This section temporarily modifies the exclusion of student loan discharges from gross income to exclude from gross income certain discharges on account of the death or total and permanent disability of the student.† (U.S. Congress) Before this bill was passed if a student was permanently disabled the student would still owe his student loan debt. If a student were to die, his family would inherit their debt. This bill has eliminated permanently disabled or dead students owing their student loans. Another program that Trump improved to help with student loans is the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. This program has long been in place but was in danger of being thrown out. As a temporary measure Trump has extended the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. â€Å"The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program forgives the remaining balance on your Direct Loans after you have made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer.† (Public Student Loan Forgiveness) I have shown you many facts about student loans and the negative impacts they can have before and after college. It can cause extra stress on top of the already stressful life’s we have that can easily turn into depression as you seen in Johnny’s story. I feel that as a society we can forgive student loans because the people who graduate college are very important to our society. If we did not have higher education, we would be a society filled with unintellectual people. So maybe next time a bill or law comes our way to help forgiveness of student loans. Think about all the negative effects of student loans and vote to help forgive student loans. WORKS CITED Chou, Eileen Y., et al. â€Å"Economic Insecurity Increases Physical Pain.† Psychological Science, vol. 27, no. 4, Apr. 2016, pp. 443–454, doi:10.1177/0956797615625640. Gang, Liang. â€Å"Institutional Factors Influencing International Student Graduation Rates and Debt† 24 August 2018, Accessed 28 October 2018. McCarthy, Irene N., and Benjamin Rue Silliman. â€Å"An Earned Student Loan Repayment Program: A Tax Policy Proposal.† Journal of Business Accounting, vol. 8, no. 1, Fall 2015, pp. 27–50. EBSCOhost, â€Å"Public Student Loan Forgiveness† Accessed 28 October 2018. PR Newswire. â€Å"Subsidized Versus Unsubsidized Federal Student Loans What’s the Difference? Ameritech Financial Offers Clarity.† PR Newswire US, 9 May 2018. EBSCOhost, United States Congress. â€Å"H.R.1 - 115th Congress (2017-2018)† 22 December, 2017

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analysis Of The Cuban Missile Crisis History Essay

Analysis Of The Cuban Missile Crisis History Essay Introduction The Cuban Missile Crisis was an event occurred in October 1962 when the USA detected that the USSR had deployed medium range missiles in Cuba, which was ninety miles away from Florida. It was the period that the cold war reached its peak because of the possible confrontation between the two superpowers, the US and the USSR, at the time. The Cuban Missiles Crisis was a very important part of the world history because of the risk of nuclear war that could lead to the destruction of the world. Therefore, it is very fascinating to identify what happen before the crisis, the causes, the actual events in the crisis, and the impacts of the crisis (Rich 2003, 416-428). Prior to the Crisis The Cuban Revolution, began in 1956, was the outcome of extensive economic oppression of Cuba by the USA. During Batista’s, the ruthless ruler of Cuba, regime, Cuba per capita income was twice greater than other countries in general. The Cuban economy was controlled by the USA, which ow ned 90% of Cuba’s telephone and electronic services, 50% of Cuba’s railway, and 40% of Cuba’s sugar production (Johnson 1965,p 443). Furthermore, the USA put a very strict controlled on Cuban sugar production. The USA also controlled Cuban import quota, divided lands in to estates, and forced the Cuban farmers to grow monoculture crop, which was sugar (Dye thus, Cuba’s per capital income was the highest in Latin America (Johnson 1965, p. 445). However, the distribution of wealth was not equally distributed. The majority of people were illiterate, and the mortality rate was very high because the health care system was not extended to the poor in the rural areas, who remained in poverty (Mabry 2003). Furthermore, Batista was a corrupted dictator, and a pro western ruler. These political and economic oppressions from Batiste and the USA inspired Fidel Castro, the charismatic revolution leader, to revolt for reforms (Rich 2003, p. 417). Between 1956 to 1959, Fidel Castro, Ernesto Che Guevera, and his younger brother Rual used the tactic Guerilla warfare to fight against Batista’s army at Mount Sierra Maestra in Cuba where he gained support from the local framers. The guerrilla warfare proved to be successful. On January 1959, Castro and his troops were able to overthrown Batista and his government. After the overthrown of Batista government, Fidel Castro set up a shadow government consisted of major Cuban political figures. Still, the majority of power was in the hand of Castro. When the shadow government failed to put forward his reforms, he dismissed them, and took control of the government as he appointed himself Cuba’s prime minister (Rich 2003, p 418). Two months after the victory of the Guerrilla force, Castro paid his first visit to the USA where his story was romanticized by the media. He was supposed to have a meeting with Eisenhower; however, the President refused to have a meeting with him, and went to the golf court. He was accommodated by Nixon, who was the vice president at that time. During the meeting, he refused to accept USA financial support because he believed that it would continue the USA influence in Cuba. After Castro visited the USA, the relation between the USA and Cuba began to decline (Rich 2003, 419). One month after the visit, Fidel Castro began his reforms. He nationalized Cuban lands, cattle ranch, bank, railroads, oil, and other utilities, which were once owned by the USA (Perez 2011, p. 230-231).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Casino taxes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Casino taxes - Essay Example Casino taxes The basic casino gaming tax laws which are to be followed by all states including Nevada and New Jersey are the following: Winnings from all types of gambling are taxable and should be declared as income on the tax return, while the losses from gambling are to be deducted as an itemized deduction for the spare time players, restricted to the amount of winnings declared. Players who are professional gamblers must hold a file as self-employed business using Schedule C. Schedule C is an Internal Revenue Service form used to file profits and losses by a company (What is Schedule C, 2011). The worth of comps received is considered as gaming winnings and are included in the total winnings. Though, the person is allowed to deduct the losses to counterbalance the income from the comps. The winnings and losses are reported only in the year of occurrence. Excessive losses are not to be carried forward or backward to balance winnings in other years. Married couples who file a joint return shou ld combine their winnings losses, and account only one figure for both. According to the instructions issued by IRS, lumping is unacceptable. Lumping is either reporting only one final win figure and no losses, or reporting nothing if the net value from gambling is a negative. A person must report total of the winning sessions individually from the total of the losing sessions. The Internal Revenue Service requires an accurate record to be maintained to substantiate ones wins and losses. The records must contain at least the following information: the date and type of person’s particular wager; the name of the gaming organization or establishment with its location and address; the names of the other people, if any, present with the player; the amount the person won or lost. A report containing wagering tickets or receipts; W-2Gs; credit card records such as cash advances; cancelled checks; receipts provided by the gambling establishment and bank withdrawals is also require by the IRS to substantiate a person’s diary. A person does not submit these records with return but will be needed if the person is to be audited. As casinos and card rooms are subjected to the money-laundering rules therefore they must report cumulative cash transactions of ten thousand dollars or more in one day to the IRS. They can also make out such reports for amounts as low as two thousand dollars if they are doubtful and apprehensive. Once a casino has a person’s SSN and ID on record, they may issue these Cash Transaction Reports (CTRs) without his/her knowledge. Though the basic rules of casino gaming taxes are almost the same for every state but there are some differences as well. The revenues generated from the taxes in Nevada are used by the local governments and state general fund. In New Jersey the casino revenues provide financial assistance to the disabled and elderly. (State Tax Systems: recreational gambling, 2010) Casino gaming taxes in Nevada: A licens e fee is imposed at both local and state level. The range of County license fees is from $10 to $50 per month, whereas, the range of State monthly license fees is from 3% to 6.25% of the gross revenues. Range of Annual state license fees is from $100 to $6,000 for each year depending on size of the organization. Annually, an additional $80 fee is imposed on every slot machine for an unrestricted state license. Quarterly fee ranges from $45 to $225 plus 90 per machine for a restricted state licence fee (Rafool, 2004). Annually, $ 250 tax is imposed each slot machine. Casino entertainment tax equals to 10% of amounts

Compare and Contrast the Courage Theme in The kite runner and The life Essay

Compare and Contrast the Courage Theme in The kite runner and The life of Pi - Essay Example The Kite Runner is a story revolving around family, friendship, betrayal, and salvation.  This is a story of a young boy, Amir, who moves to America together with his father Baba after their servants- Ali and his son Hassan- left their home. Baba tries hard to make life possible in America. After his father falling sick for some time and dies, leaving him married and forced back to Afghanistan by a family friend where he realizes that Hassan is his half- brother, a secret kept from him by his father. During massacre, Hassan and his wife died leaving a son who lived with Amir and his wife in America later on. In this paper, the courage theme in both the Life of Pi and the Kite Runner, exploring how the two stories relate is my major concern. Seeking redemption, love and tension between father and son and the persistence of the past are the major themes in the Kite Runner. Themes in the life of pie are the nature of religious belief and the will to survive. The two stories relate in various ways especially when comparing the themes. For instance, the religious factor is inevitable in the two stories. In the Kite Runner, one of the courage themes is search for redemption. This is evidenced by Amir’s departure to America in order to start a new life with the aim of being born again, to leave behind sins and suffering and find a life full of freedom and finding forgiveness. Hassan’s death has really affected him and he thinks that this is the only way to let go off his past. Similarly, in the Life of Pi, religion is a common aspect. Pi was born in Hinduism. According to BookCaps, BookCaps Study Guides Staff, Pi does not forget about religious beliefs when he survives from the boat as he â€Å"modifies his rituals to work for him in his current state† (Life of Pi 7). This implies that, all his life since childhood, he gave religion first priority and will stick to it always no matter what difficulty comes his way. The aspect of the â€Å"survi val for the fittest† also characterizes both stories. Pi’s survival from the lifeboat was so miraculous because he was stuck there with a tiger, zebra, and hyena. The time he spent in the lifeboat was very strenuous and had to come up with proper strategy in order to survive. Although he was a vegetarian, the only way he had to adopt in order to survive and move on with his journey was to feed on what was available, which was fish. Pi also had to restrict himself to the safest places of the boat (â€Å"BookCaps, BookCaps Study Guides Staff,† Life of Pi 6). Sobra is also a survivor. After his parents’ death due to massacre, he manages to escape narrowly from the massacre and in the end finds a safer place to stay with his stepfather, Amir. There is the father- son relationship in both stories. Pi’s father developed a good relationship with his two sons. BookCaps, BookCaps Study Guides Staff states that they were taught zoo keeping since their father was a renowned zookeeper in India. He loved and cared for them so much and they left India together as a family to Canada (Life of Pi 6). Additionally, BookCaps, BookCaps Study Guides Staff narrates that Amir loved Baba even though they sometimes had differences with him and he thinks that he lives his life to his father’s expectations. After father’s death in America, he came back to Afghanistan but he finds life challenged by his pas deed and so he decides to leave again to America where he also fathered Hassan’

World of Work Silver - Organisational Awareness Coursework

World of Work Silver - Organisational Awareness - Coursework Example 8). Today, Jaguar cars are designed by Jaguar Land Rover engineering center in Coventry, at the Whitney plant. The cars are then manufactured in Birmingham at Castle Bromwich assembly plant. Other manufacturing takes place at the Solihull plant (Salama, 2012, p. 10). Jaguar Land Rover is the largest automotive manufacturing business in the United Kingdom. The business is built around two main British car brands. These brands are Land Rover and Jaguar. Land Rover leads on the line of manufacturing premium all-wheel drive cars. For Jaguar, it is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of premier sports cars marques and luxury sports saloon cars. Jaguar Land Rover has greatly transformed the business under the ownership of Tata Motors Limited. It has transformed the business in order to achieve the full ability of its classy brands and realize profitable results. What drives this business is a world-class comprising of about 26,000 people worldwide. In addition, the business supports more 190,000 jobs in the United Kingdom through dealer network, supply chain and a wider economy (Denton, 2012, p. 18). All cars produced by this company are designed and engineered in the United Kingdom. Even though the business has plans of expanding globally, the business’ heart remains in the United Kingdom. The business has invested billions of pounds in research, development facilities and its state of the art production. In fact, in the manufacturing sector, Jaguar Land Rover has made the highest investment in R&D. It therefore means it is ahead of Rolls-Royce and British Aerospace. With this kind of investment, along with the on-going efforts to encourage local communities encourage people seek jobs related to engineering; the business has been awarded as the responsible business of the year. Jaguar Land Rover takes great pride in this recognition and more so the award. Jaguar Land Rover has greatly benefited from its international expansion. This company has a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Supply Chain Management - Essay Example The countries include our United Kingdom fast food market segment. Pringles’ food product name came from street of the same name, Pringles Street. Pringles Potato Chips products are included in the global marketing firm’s top selling products. The international firm is Proctor & Gamble, International. The Pringles potato chips products include the Fat-Free version, Hot and Spicy version, Salt & Vinegar version and the Sour Cream & Onion version (Smith, 2006). The supply chain activities of some ingredients can be done by buying two or more ingredients from one Pringles Potato Chips supplier. For example, the Pringles Potato Chips Company’s head office can purchase all ingredients from one grocery store. One possible grocery store alternative is Tesco Plc. Tesco Plc is the largest grocery chain in United Kingdom. The company is a multinational entity. The company headquarters is in Cheshunt, United Kingdom. The company ranks 3rd in the global grocery market segmen t. The grocery chain ranks behind world’s two top grocery chains. The two top grocery chains are Walmart and Carrefour. As a global leader in the grocery market segment, Tesco Plc is a good alternative for the Pringles Potato Chips Company’s ingredient purchase requirements. Tesco Plc has several grocery chain outlets in Asia, Europe, and United States ( If Tesco Plc fails in terms of product delivery service, the company can shift to buying the processed Pringles Potato Chips ingredients.

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Philosophy - Essay Example In this case, what one thinks as right is the principal determinant that guides his or her actions, his morals and ethical standards not withstanding. Therefore, conscience determines what is right action or wrong but not the other way. The conscience of a person is usually inclined to do what is right and it incorporates the moral and ethical standards. This implies that ethics and morals constitute to a persons conscience and hence it can be depended on while doing the right thing. A person can be sure on whether what he or she is doing is morally correct. The conscience of a person contains moral component that informs the most appropriate action for any given situation. Therefore, when a person is confronted with any situation, he or she can be 100% sure of whether it is morally correct or not. For example under normal circumstances, it is immoral to kill another person. This explains why in most situations people do not murder each other as animals do in the jungle. Therefore, w hen one kills another person regardless of the circumstances, the immoral nature of the action is normally portrayed in diverse forms such as covering up, self- justification, self-guilt among other behaviors that inform the unethical nature of the action.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

World of Work Silver - Organisational Awareness Coursework

World of Work Silver - Organisational Awareness - Coursework Example 8). Today, Jaguar cars are designed by Jaguar Land Rover engineering center in Coventry, at the Whitney plant. The cars are then manufactured in Birmingham at Castle Bromwich assembly plant. Other manufacturing takes place at the Solihull plant (Salama, 2012, p. 10). Jaguar Land Rover is the largest automotive manufacturing business in the United Kingdom. The business is built around two main British car brands. These brands are Land Rover and Jaguar. Land Rover leads on the line of manufacturing premium all-wheel drive cars. For Jaguar, it is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of premier sports cars marques and luxury sports saloon cars. Jaguar Land Rover has greatly transformed the business under the ownership of Tata Motors Limited. It has transformed the business in order to achieve the full ability of its classy brands and realize profitable results. What drives this business is a world-class comprising of about 26,000 people worldwide. In addition, the business supports more 190,000 jobs in the United Kingdom through dealer network, supply chain and a wider economy (Denton, 2012, p. 18). All cars produced by this company are designed and engineered in the United Kingdom. Even though the business has plans of expanding globally, the business’ heart remains in the United Kingdom. The business has invested billions of pounds in research, development facilities and its state of the art production. In fact, in the manufacturing sector, Jaguar Land Rover has made the highest investment in R&D. It therefore means it is ahead of Rolls-Royce and British Aerospace. With this kind of investment, along with the on-going efforts to encourage local communities encourage people seek jobs related to engineering; the business has been awarded as the responsible business of the year. Jaguar Land Rover takes great pride in this recognition and more so the award. Jaguar Land Rover has greatly benefited from its international expansion. This company has a

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Philosophy - Essay Example In this case, what one thinks as right is the principal determinant that guides his or her actions, his morals and ethical standards not withstanding. Therefore, conscience determines what is right action or wrong but not the other way. The conscience of a person is usually inclined to do what is right and it incorporates the moral and ethical standards. This implies that ethics and morals constitute to a persons conscience and hence it can be depended on while doing the right thing. A person can be sure on whether what he or she is doing is morally correct. The conscience of a person contains moral component that informs the most appropriate action for any given situation. Therefore, when a person is confronted with any situation, he or she can be 100% sure of whether it is morally correct or not. For example under normal circumstances, it is immoral to kill another person. This explains why in most situations people do not murder each other as animals do in the jungle. Therefore, w hen one kills another person regardless of the circumstances, the immoral nature of the action is normally portrayed in diverse forms such as covering up, self- justification, self-guilt among other behaviors that inform the unethical nature of the action.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Time you were shamed Essay Example for Free

Time you were shamed Essay Ive had great embarrassing moments in my life. Most occurred during my childhood days. One of these happened when I was 8. I got my   most humiliating spanking which I will never forget in my entire life.   Studying should be at the top of every students priority. During this age I need to do some homework everyday.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   My parents used to monitor my studies and pay lots of attention to my school work and the grades on my report card. I was a very lazy kid and forgot to do my homework most of the time. My teacher once caught having no homework. She then decided to report it to my parents. We have a school handbook wherein every important school reminder should be written. My teacher wrote a letter to my parents that they were supposed to read and to sign. I really wanted to avoid any punishment from my parents and so I confidently signed the letter by forging their signature. It was a very bad idea since a childs handwriting is far different from an adults . The next day it was time for my teacher to see if my parents were already aware of my misbehavior and told me that she wanted to talk to them after the class. I can never forget the day after that. It was Saturday which meant no class and so I have to face the truth since my parents already knew what I did. Two birds in one stone. First is by not doing homework and next is by copying their handwriting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As I woke up I went to the bathroom downstairs but my father saw me already and told me that I should be punished. He grabbed my arms and took me to the kitchen. I was about to pee in my pants and to my surprise, dad pulled down my pajamas and slid it together with my underwear to my ankles. I was standing naked and what I didnt notice was that my mom and my teacher on the subject which I failed to do homework were standing right in front of me. They both saw everything and were both staring at my genitals and laughing. It was very embarrassing and I was really ashamed of my lazy deed.