Saturday, February 15, 2020

Boulevard Haussman's Department Store and Boulevard des Capucines's Essay

Boulevard Haussman's Department Store and Boulevard des Capucines's Opera House as two key elements in the Haussmannization of P - Essay Example The boulevard is between Boulevard des Italiens and the Avenue de Friedland and runs a length of 2.5km. The two famous department stores found in the Boulevard Haussmann are the Galeries Lafayette Department store and the Printemps Department store. The two stores are a depiction of state of the art architectural articulation despite the fact that they were built in the late 1800’s1. The Printemps Department Store The Printemps department store will be the main building in focus on the Boulevard Haussmann. The store is an architectural center piece located at the corner of Le Havre and Boulevard Haussmann. The building was officially opened on 3rd November 1865 in its original form. The architects who were responsible for the building of the Printemps departmental store were Jules Jaluzot and Jean-AlfredDuclo. Before joining the Printemps project, Jules Jaluzot was a supervisor at the Le Bon Marche department store. The first store building was small and in 1874, the building was renovated. The main agenda of the renovation was to expand the building. The most notable installation that occurred during the expansion process was the installation of elevators. This was a major architectural innovation and installation since elevators were unveiled during the 1867 universal exposition2. In 1881, the Printemps store, despite all the renovations and innovative installations, burnt down. The building was left desolate for a couple of years until the reconstruction process began and was completed in 1889. The newly reconstructed Au Printemps covered an area of over 3000 square meters and stretched from the Rue Caumartin and Rue de Provence. The reconstruction of the building also made history. This is because the Au Printemps used electric lighting. This was in the year 1888 and was the first building in Paris to use electric lighting. The store was farther enlarged in 1907 and a new shop was built increasing the area of coverage of the Au Printemps to 5000 squa re meters. This new shop covered the space that was between the Boulevard Haussmann, the Rue de Charras, Rue de Provence and Rue Caumartin3. The architectural plan of the store and the Boulevard Haussmann was monumental in that it helped the department store get direct access to the subway after the metro was connected around the year 1904. In 1921, the Au Printemps suffered a major set-back; it experienced another fire and burnt down. Reconstruction began immediately and by the year 1924, the reconstruction of the building was complete. This reconstruction process invoked architectural tactics from ancient Rome and saw the incorporation of a cupola above the main restaurant; this cupola was both historical and architectural monument. In the late 1930’s, the World War II posed threats because of the bombings and for this reason, the cupola was dismantled and stored at Clichy for fear of destruction. The designer of the cupola had archived plans for installing the cupola since it was a family business and it was re-installed in 1973 by his grandson4. Boulevard des Capucines’ Opera’s House Among the four Grands Boulevards in Paris is the Boulevard des Capucines. Before the French revolution, a convent of Capuchin nuns had a garden in the south side of the boulevard. The boulevard was named in relation to the Capuchin nuns. Palais Garnier Opera House

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Questions - Assignment Example Moreover, sub-division of goods was necessary without which the barter system could not take place (Suri, Budhiraja and Rajput 2005). Some of the other problems associated with barter system were in storing the materials that would be used for exchange. Since they were in material forms, they required enough spaces, for example materials like rice, grains, etc. Facilities of credit could not be made available in this system. Also, difficulty was faced in transferring the goods and products from one place to another (Suri, Budhiraja and Rajput 2005). In a barter system, even when the number of commodities would be few, the exchange rates for different products and goods became burdensome (Thomas 2005). The establishment of the monetary system has improved upon the barter system owing to different reasons. The barter system has proved to be a system that caused inconvenience for the reasons mentioned above. With all its associated difficulties, the scope and scale of trade became limit ed with use of a barter system. The monetary economy eliminated such difficulties. Money could be used for the purchase of products where the value of the goods could be measured and monetary payments done accordingly. In the monetary system, thus goods are exchanged with money. ... With the new system, the economy of the world could be seen to specialize with higher levels of labor divisions as well. While in the barter system only tangible assets could be used for economy; in the monetary economy, money could be included in the list of assets of any individual. Thus savings is possible to be achieved more in the monetary economic system, where investments can be made with the money depending on need and time. With the monetary economy in place, problems with consumption and distribution have been found to be solved, leading to better investment measures in the economy as well (Kolars et al 2013). Thus it can be said that the establishment of monetary economy has improved upon the previous barter economy. Solution 2: Considering the introduction of money in the economic system of the world, all forms of money are actually incorporated. Thus money could be in the form of anything, any goods or products having some intrinsic value, or that which might not have an y intrinsic value (Karimzadi 2012). Money does not possess any inherent value of its own. It is valuable because people are in needed, while its supply is limited. Goods and products are the most essential factors in the economy. Money is essential as it allows to purchase or sale such needed goods and products. However, the value of money gets affected or influenced depending on factors like inflation that severely affects trade and business activities and people tend to react badly in such situations. Increase in supply of money leads to conditions like inflation in an economy, resulting to increase in prices of goods and products. Hence, essentially the value of