Thursday, May 7, 2020

Baseball... America’S Pastime, Many People Dream Of Playing

Baseball... America’s pastime, many people dream of playing baseball in America and few make it to the majors. The book â€Å"The Natural† by Bernard Malamud followed the story of Roy Hobbs, a man who just wanted to play baseball. That was Roy Hobbs’ dream, to be the greatest ball player ever. Roy was drafted into baseball and started on the New York Knights. He played his first year and was the greatest ball player in his league, but his choices, jealousy, cockiness, and greed impacted his career. Everybody looked up to and loved Roy because he saved the New York Knights and made them a first place team after years of disappointment. The fame was unreal and he could not believe how his life is going. He started reading the media more often and†¦show more content†¦Bump was pronounced dead at the hospital and Memo was very upset and she blamed Roy for his death because he tried so hard to break them up. After the game ended he went over to Memo to apolog ize for her loss and everything he did before then. The quote â€Å"Taking her arm he said â€Å"Memo, I don t know what more I can do to show you how sorry I am about those times and tell you how I feel in my heart for you.† But Memo stared at him through a veil of tears and said â€Å"I am strictly a dead man s girl† shows how Roy went to apologize to Memo, but he also tried to get her to have feelings for him in her time of grief. The next day Roy was playing in his game and he had an amazing day going 4-4 with a homerun and a double. Later that day he attended Bumps funeral and then Memo came over to Roy and said â€Å"Bump was coming up for a day just before he died.† He felt his anger rise in his heart and asked coldly. â€Å"Well, Memo, What did he have that I don t got?† This upset Memo but also made her think about Roy. At night in Memo and Roy s hotel, Memo was upset about Bump and accidently got into bed with Roy â€Å"When she got into bed w ith him he almost cried out in pain as her icy hands and feet, in immediate embrace, slashed his hot body, but there among the apples, grapes, and melons he found what he wanted and had it.† That quote shows that Roy did not stop Memo when she got into bed with him because he was willing to do anything to get with her. Memo woke upShow MoreRelatedBaseball : America s Pastime Of The Past1255 Words   |  6 PagesBaseball: America’s Pastime of the Past A pastime is a hobby that is performed in someone’s spare time. The term America’s pastime is something that the entire nation enjoys and participates in. Since its creation, baseball has taken the top spot as the nation’s favorite recreation. For generations it filled the homes of Americans whether it be via television, conversation, or participation. 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