Friday, May 22, 2020

Depression A Psychological Mood Disorder Essay - 1720 Words

Depression is a psychological mood disorder that is common in today’s world. The effect of depression affects the person’s ability to control their feelings and thoughts, resulting in their activities of daily living being negatively affected. For a person to be diagnosed with depression they must have had the symptoms present for 2 continuous weeks at minimum (, 2015). Correspondingly, depression in females and the symptoms thereof are different to that of men. From social pressures to pregnancy hormones females have varying factors that alter their depressive experience from the male sex often making depression more difficult to treat (Depression in Women: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Self-Help, 2016). Due to the unique encounter of depression in females it makes postnatal depression that much more complex. Postnatal depression’s occurrence rate, of non-psychotic postpartum depression, based on the results of many studies carried out is, 13%. The main reasons of postnatal depression were, past history of psychopathology and psychological disturbance during pregnancy, poor marital relationship and low social support, and stressful life events. Also, it is shown that patients of a low economic status are more likely to be diagnosed with postnatal depression (O hara Swain, 1996). â€Å"When you study postpartum depression, there is a very clear understanding that in communities where you see more support, there is less depression,† – Ariel Gore (BrainyQuote,Show MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder and Meditation Essay1226 Words   |  5 PagesBipolar disorder is a mental disease that causes a rapid shift in mood, usually between mania and depression. The manic episode of bipolar disorder usually results in an abnormally large dosage of energy. During manic depression, an individual may go on an unnecessary shopping spree or even quit their job. 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